NBA 2K17 Moments Challenges Tips & Tricks
NBA 2K17 Moments Challenges are special tasks that change every week and follow the trends of the official NBA season. Some of them can be very difficult to achieve, especially the ones that require you to score 50 or more points with just one player. They will reward you with a lot of MT so it’s very useful to complete them and strengthen your perfect team. Here are some useful tips and tricks that will help you beat these challenges.

How to complete Moments Challenges in NBA 2K17
- Invest and Sell. If the challenge requires you to use a certain player and score, for example, 50 points with him, search the auction house and buy his card. After you have completed the challenge, sell his card so that other players can complete the challenge. Consider this an investment, since these kinds of tasks will reward you with a lot of MT.
- You can also call for isolation play for the target player and play one on one for some easy points. This is especially useful if the target player has some great drible moves that can separate the defenders.
- Play pick and roll with the target player. Use a good passer and play pick and roll so that the target player sets the screens. As soon as he gets open, go for a shot or a layup.
- Wear shoes that boost the target player’s rating and equip badges. If you don’t have any, search the auction house. Shoes that increase stamina can be a great choice, so that you can keep your target player’s stamina high. Also, use all of your timeouts to keep all the players fresh and rested.
- If you are short on points, it’s good to start fouling your opponent and send them to the line. Use your intentional foul button as soon as they start their attack. This will grant you more possessions and you will have more time to complete your challenge. This is especially useful if you are already in the lead, or your opponent has bad free throw shooters.
- Keep in mind that you have to win the game in the end to achieve the goal. Even if you get the target goal and lose the game, the whole challenge will fail. Play strong physical defense at all times, and try to intercept passes so you can get more possessions. Ultimately, you can even give your opponents open shots to reduce their time with the ball so you can get more possessions. It’s not an easy task to get 50-60 points with one player, so you need all the possessions you can get.
- Assist challenges that require you to achieve a certain number of assists as a team can be much more easily completed with good use of pick and roll and lead to basket pass. Doing an alley-op after a good pick and roll is also a nice option.
- When playing a challenge that requires you to achieve a certain number of rebounds as a team, you should rely on good physical defense. This will make your opponent miss their shots and your big men will be there to grab the rebound. Also consider using good defenders as guards and dominating big men at power forward and center positions. The key is to make your opponent miss as many shots as posible, which will give you a chance to grab the rebounds.
- In some situations, going into overtime could be a good thing. If you still haven’t completed the challenge and the result is close, try to extend the game by going into overtime. You will have several extra minutes to play around and achieve the target goal.
- If you are looking for some bonus MT, you need to try at least 5 shots from the 3pt line and shoot 10 free throws. The better the percentage of those shots, the more MT you will get.
- Some challenges will require you to have a certain number of players from a certain team in your lineup. You can always use the auction house to buy the cheapest players from that team and just leave them on the bench as you play with your key players. Ultimately, you can sell them in the auction house when you are finished.
- As you keep playing you will get better and better players in your lineup and each challenge will be a bit easier than the last.
- Last but not least, have fun while playing!