Dream Machine Chapter 6 Released, Series Finally Finished

After seven long years, the sixth and final chapter of The Dream Machine is finally out. The wait has been long, but the series is finally finished. If you’ve bought the complete bundle, you’ll automatically receive the new episode. If not, you can now purchase it from Steam for $5.

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dream machine chapter 6 released
Dream Machine Chapter 6 released

The Dream Machine is a point and click adventure game, made by a team of two. The entirety of the environments and models have been hand made from clay, carboard and other similar materials (including broccoli). It started off in 2010, with the first two episodes being released simultaneously. The rest of the episodes followed a largely regular pattern of one every year or so. The last one was released three years ago – the fans have been waiting for the finale for quite a while now.

The story follows Victor Neff, a young man who moves into a new apartment with his wife. Things soon go strange, as nothing and noone in the building is what they first seem to be. Victor ends up having to enter the minds of those around him, in order to rescue them from the Dream Machine.

The launch isn’t going as smoothly as the devs would like – there’s been some issues with Steam bundle purchases, mostly. Some of the people who bought the game through a Steam bundle didn’t receive Chapter 6 when it was released. Turns out there are two bundles on Steam, and they’re were not created equal. If you’re one of the people plagued by this issue, take a look ad the devs explanation on the Steam forums.

So, it’s the end of an era for Cockroach. It’ll be interesting to see what they set their minds on next, but the gaming landscape will be a bit weird without waiting for another episode of Dream Machine.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.