Lost Ark Release Date North America and Europe

The Lost Ark release date in North America and Europe has been a matter of some discussion among the fans. After all, a lot of people have been playing Lost Ark in the west by jumping through all sorts of hoops, and they want to know when they’ll be able to play the game properly. Well, the launch date of Lost Ark has been changed and pushed around several times now, but we’re close to the finish line now. We’ll share all the info we know at the moment in our Lost Ark Release Date North America and Europe guide.

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lost ark release date north america and europe
Lost Ark Release Date North America and Europe

When is the Lost Ark Release Date in North America & Europe

The North American and European release date of Lost Ark has not been officially announced just yet. Currently, there’s a closed beta in progress, so the date is definitely near. At the time of writing, the launch window floating around is Fall 2021, but we don’t know for sure. On the game’s Steam page, the date is December 31st, 2021, but I’m fairly certain that’s just a placeholder. Long story short, Lost Ark will most likely come out in Europe and North America at some point after this summer. We’ll keep you posted as more details become available.

For those of you not in the know, Lost Ark is Korean free-to-play MMORPG that has enjoyed incredible popularity for a while now. This is true even for western audiences, who have been going to great pains to play the game, including VPNs and amateur localization. Well, now that Genshin Impact has made all of the money in the world, publisher Amazon Games have apparently seen the light and have partnered with the developers to finally bring the game to western audiences properly.

That’s all we know about the Lost Ark release date for North America and Europe. One final thing to add – while the game is free-to-play, you can “purchase” it on Steam for $25, $50, or $100 and receive the Silver Founder’s Pack, Gold Founder’s Pack, or Platinum Founder’s Pack, respectively. All of these unlock various things, including access to the beta, a three-day head start, and a plethora of in-game items, ranging from Silver, Equipment Crates, chests, cosmetics, and more. These will definitely give you a leg up on people that opt to play for free. Is it unfair? Well, yeah, kinda, but that’s how the cookie crumbles.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.