PS Plus Free Games List for November 2017 Revealed
Sony has revealed the list of PS Plus free games for November 2017. The list includes Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Worms Battlegrounds, Broken Sword 5, R-Type Dimensions, and more. All of the games will be available for free through PS Plus until December 5th, with the exception of Rush of Blood. That one will stay free until January 3rd.

If we’re being perfectly honest, there’s not much in terms of big-name titles. However, depending on your tastes, you might find something you’ll enjoy. First off, the free games you can get for the PlayStation 4. There’s Bound, an interesting-looking artsy platforming game. Then, there’s Worms Battlegrounds, for those that are looking for a party game and are fans of worm mayhem. Last but not least, there’s Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, the literally on-rails shooter for the PSVR. Rush of Blood is going to stay on the list of free games for way longer than the others, until January 3rd.
Moving on to the PlayStation 3. There’s two games for you to pick up here. The first one is R-Type Dimensions, the critically acclaimed side-scrolling shoot-em-up. Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, is the second one. Rag Doll Kung Fu is a fighting game, where you control a puppet, therefore giving you complete control over all the limbs of your characters.
Finally, the PlayStation Vita also has two free games this month. There’s Dungeon Punks, which is also a cross-buy with the PS4. It’s a classic arcade beat-em-up; if that’s your jam, you might want to check it out, even though it looks a little wonky. Lastly, you can grab the first two episodes of Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse. And, that’s your lot. If any of this tickles your fancy, you have until December 5th to snatch them.