Dumud Züchten, Standort, Beute und Fähigkeiten | Palworld

Dumud ist ein Erde Pal in Palworld. Wenn dieser Pal sich allzu sehr entspannt, sinkt seine Reaktionszeit ins Bodenlose. Auch wenn man ihn in Würfel schnitte, würde er wahrscheinlich erst am
folgenden Morgen merken, dass er tot sein sollte.

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Palworld Dumud
Dumud Screenshot von Gosunoob.com ©
Dumud Palworld Paldeck Pal Icon
ElementErde Icon
  • Bewässerung St. 1
  • Bergbau St. 2
  • Transport St. 1
Wenn dieser Pal im Team ist, wird der ANG von Pals
des Typs Erde erhöht.

Mögliche Beute

Dumud hat 2 fallengelassen. Diese sind normalerweise Handwerksmaterialien. Einige Pals lassen auch Upgrade-Gegenstände oder sogar Waffen fallen.

  • 2x Dumud-Fleisch 100%
  • 1x Hochwertiges Pal-Öl 100%

Dumud Standort – Wo finde und fange ich Dumud in Palworld?

Einige Pals können nur nachts gefunden werden. Andere sind nur als Bosse verfügbar. Einige seltene Pals werden nach dem Besiegen als Bosse in Naturschutzgebiet verfügbar. Der Screenshot der Karte unten zeigt orange Punkte für Tagespals, blaue Punkte für Nachtspals und Kartenpositionen für Bosse.

Dumud Standort in Palworld
Screenshot aufgenommen von Gosunoob.com ©

Wie bekomme ich Dumud durch Züchten?

Es gibt 52 Möglichkeiten, Dumud zu züchten. Unten sind die ersten 10 aufgelistet. Die Eltern müssen unterschiedlichen Geschlechts sein und die angegebenen Pals sein.

Elternteil 1Elternteil 2
Lamball Icon#1 LamballReptyro Icon#88 Reptyro
Lamball Icon#1 LamballJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide Ignis
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaElizabee Icon#51 Elizabee
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest Cryst
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkPyrin Icon#58 Pyrin
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksMossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda Lux
Fuack Icon#6 FuackWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Klicke hier, um die verbleibenden 41 Paarung anzuzeigen
Penking Icon#11 PenkingKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogNitewing Icon#38 Nitewing
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystMossanda Icon#33 Mossanda
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Fixy Icon#14 FixyWarsect  Icon#92 Warsect
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantMammorest Icon#90 Mammorest
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoSweepa Icon#54 Sweepa
Cremis Icon#18 CremisElizabee Icon#51 Elizabee
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Mau Icon#24 MauJormuntide Icon#101 Jormuntide
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystQuivern Icon#95 Quivern
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinKatress Icon#75 Katress
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystFaleris Icon#105 Faleris
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaEikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer Terra
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothSwee Icon#53 Swee
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill Terra
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Rayhound Icon#60 RayhoundVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Maraith Icon#66 MaraithBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleRagnahawk Icon#74 Ragnahawk
Elphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Petallia Icon#87 PetalliaFelbat Icon#94 Felbat

Dumud Palworld Zucht Liste

Hier ist die Liste aller möglichen Dumud Zucht-Kombinationen. Das bedeutet, wenn du Dumud mit einem der unten aufgeführten Pals kombinierst, erhältst du das angegebene Kind-Pal. Das Geschlecht der Eltern ist unwichtig, solange sie unterschiedliche Geschlechter haben.

Elternteil 1Elternteil 2Kind
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkDumud Icon#43 DumudVulmag Icon#76 Vulmag
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystDumud Icon#43 DumudVulmag Icon#76 Vulmag
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuDumud Icon#43 DumudVulmag Icon#76 Vulmag
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystDumud Icon#43 DumudVulmag Icon#76 Vulmag
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiDumud Icon#43 DumudWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantDumud Icon#43 DumudWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Mau Icon#24 MauDumud Icon#43 DumudWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Dumud Icon#43 DumudGaleclaw Icon#47 GaleclawLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Dumud Icon#43 DumudRobinquill Icon#48 RobinquillLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Dumud Icon#43 DumudRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Klicke hier, um die verbleibenden 105 Zucht-Kombinationen anzuzeigen
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFelbat Icon#94 FelbatLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Lamball Icon#1 LamballDumud Icon#43 DumudNox Icon#21 Nox
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaDumud Icon#43 DumudNox Icon#21 Nox
Fixy Icon#14 FixyDumud Icon#43 DumudNox Icon#21 Nox
Cremis Icon#18 CremisDumud Icon#43 DumudNox Icon#21 Nox
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyDumud Icon#43 DumudGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Dumud Icon#43 DumudVulmag Icon#76 VulmagGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDumud Icon#43 DumudFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Dumud Icon#43 DumudGorirat Icon#49 GoriratFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBeegarde Icon#50 BeegardeFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Dumud Icon#43 DumudVaelet Icon#78 VaeletFenglope Icon#93 Fenglope
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogDumud Icon#43 DumudRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystDumud Icon#43 DumudRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinDumud Icon#43 DumudVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Dumud Icon#43 DumudCawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Dumud Icon#43 DumudVerdash Icon#77 VerdashLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Dumud Icon#43 DumudKelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Dumud Icon#43 DumudKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Fuack Icon#6 FuackDumud Icon#43 DumudLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaDumud Icon#43 DumudLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Dumud Icon#43 DumudLoupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Dumud Icon#43 DumudLovander Icon#69 LovanderEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Dumud Icon#43 DumudChillet Icon#55 ChilletDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Dumud Icon#43 DumudDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksDumud Icon#43 DumudMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFlambelle Icon#70 FlambelleMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Dumud Icon#43 DumudLeezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Dumud Icon#43 DumudMaraith Icon#66 MaraithRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarDumud Icon#43 DumudFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Dumud Icon#43 DumudLeezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamDumud Icon#43 DumudDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerDumud Icon#43 DumudDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Nox Icon#21 NoxDumud Icon#43 DumudGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopDumud Icon#43 DumudGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariDumud Icon#43 DumudGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieDumud Icon#43 DumudGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Dumud Icon#43 DumudKatress Icon#75 KatressChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBlazehowl Icon#84 BlazehowlChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeDumud Icon#43 DumudBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossDumud Icon#43 DumudBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayDumud Icon#43 DumudReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBroncherry Icon#86 BroncherryReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Dumud Icon#43 DumudDigtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry AquaCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitDumud Icon#43 DumudRooby Icon#9 Rooby
Dumud Icon#43 DumudReindrix Icon#59 ReindrixMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityDumud Icon#43 DumudMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerDumud Icon#43 DumudMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Incineram Icon#40 IncineramDumud Icon#43 DumudRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctDumud Icon#43 DumudRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Dumud Icon#43 DumudSurfent Icon#65 SurfentRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Dumud Icon#43 DumudAnubis Icon#100 AnubisRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFoxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Dumud Icon#43 DumudKitsun Icon#61 KitsunBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Dumud Icon#43 DumudDinossom Icon#64 DinossomBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Dumud Icon#43 DumudVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm CrystFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBushi Icon#72 BushiFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Dumud Icon#43 DumudVanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl NoctPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Dumud Icon#43 DumudUnivolt Icon#56 UnivoltArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Dumud Icon#43 DumudDazzi Icon#62 DazziVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletDumud Icon#43 DumudLeezpunk Icon#45 Leezpunk
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoDumud Icon#43 DumudLeezpunk Icon#45 Leezpunk
Dumud Icon#43 DumudRayhound Icon#60 RayhoundDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Dumud Icon#43 DumudTombat Icon#68 TombatDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Penking Icon#11 PenkingDumud Icon#43 DumudBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Dumud Icon#43 DumudSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent TerraBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Dumud Icon#43 DumudElphidran Icon#80 ElphidranBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Dumud Icon#43 DumudElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Dumud Icon#43 DumudKingpaca Icon#89 KingpacaUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Dumud Icon#43 DumudWumpo Icon#91 WumpoUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Dumud Icon#43 DumudWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo BotanUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothDumud Icon#43 DumudKatress Icon#75 Katress
Dumud Icon#43 DumudGrintale Icon#52 GrintaleKatress Icon#75 Katress
Dumud Icon#43 DumudAzurobe Icon#82 AzurobeKatress Icon#75 Katress
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaDumud Icon#43 DumudVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingDumud Icon#43 DumudVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Dumud Icon#43 DumudSweepa Icon#54 SweepaVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Mossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxDumud Icon#43 DumudBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Dumud Icon#43 DumudRagnahawk Icon#74 RagnahawkBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFaleris Icon#105 FalerisBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Dumud Icon#43 DumudRelaxaurus Icon#85 RelaxaurusIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Dumud Icon#43 DumudMammorest Icon#90 MammorestIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Dumud Icon#43 DumudMammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest CrystIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Dumud Icon#43 DumudJormuntide Icon#101 JormuntideIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Dumud Icon#43 DumudJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide IgnisIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Dumud Icon#43 DumudShadowbeak Icon#107 ShadowbeakWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Dumud Icon#43 DumudNecromus Icon#109 NecromusWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBlazamut Icon#96 BlazamutSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Dumud Icon#43 DumudSuzaku Icon#102 SuzakuKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBeakon Icon#73 BeakonSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Dumud Icon#43 DumudIce Reptyro Icon#88B Ice ReptyroSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion NoctAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Dumud Icon#43 DumudAstegon Icon#98 AstegonPenking Icon#11 Penking
Dumud Icon#43 DumudOrserk Icon#106 OrserkPenking Icon#11 Penking
Dumud Icon#43 DumudSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku AquaWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Dumud Icon#43 DumudHelzephyr Icon#97 HelzephyrElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Dumud Icon#43 DumudPyrin Noct Icon#58B Pyrin NoctAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Dumud Icon#43 DumudLyleen Icon#104 LyleenAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Dumud Icon#43 DumudCryolinx Icon#83 CryolinxGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFrostallion Icon#110 FrostallionGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Dumud Icon#43 DumudPaladius Icon#108 PaladiusCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Dumud Icon#43 DumudJetragon Icon#111 JetragonCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentDumud Icon#43 DumudSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Vorheriges Pal
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