How to Make Cake in Palworld, Not Enough Cake Explained

In our How to Make Cake in Palworld, Not Enough Cake Explained guide, we are going to talk about two important things. The first thing we’ll talk about is how to get your hands on the Cake in the game and what it’s for. After that, we’ll explain why you might be encountering the Not Enough Cake issue. Let’s get right into it!

how to make cake in palworld not enough cake explained
How to Make Cake in Palworld, Not Enough Cake Explained

How to Get Cake in Palworld

To make get Cake in Palworld, you need the following ingredients: 5x Flour, 8x Red Berries, 8x Egg, 7x Milk and 2x Honey. Almost every single one of these requires you to do some farming. Plop a Caprity into your base or make a Berry plantation for Red Berries, Mozzarina for Milk, Chikipi and Beegarde for Honey. Well, there are a few other possibilities for Honey, as we described in our separate How to Get Honey guide. As for Flour, you need to use Wheat Seeds to build a Wheat Plantation and then build a Mill to turn it into Flour. Also, you need to unlock the Cooking Pot (unlocks at level 17 and requires 2x Flame Organ, 8x Ingot, 7x Wood), plop all the ingredients inside, then wait for about ten minutes until it’s done. Or set a Pal with Kindling to finish the process for you.

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Palworld Not Enough Cake Issue Explained

Now that we know how to make and get cake in Palworl, let’s talk about the “Not Enough Cake” issue that pops up when you try to breed Pals. The most likely reason for that is you haven’t put the cake in the right place. See, it’s not enough to just have them somewhere in storage, or on your person, or even in the pen where you’re trying to make the magic happen, so to speak. The secret is, the breeding pen has a wooden box in the front. That’s where you actually need to place the cake in order for the Pals to start breeding. By the way, you need to place a male and a female Pal into the pen, plus the cake. And one last bit of info – full cakes sometimes drop from Lovander, but very rarely. Baking is way more consistent.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.