Palworld Jormuntide Ignis Breeding Explained
If you need the Jormuntide Ignis breeding in Palworld explained, I don’t blame you. It’s a finicky enough process as it is, and in the meantime, the developers changed how it works for this particular Pal. So, in this guide, we will first show you how to get Jormuntide Ignis and where its spawn location is. After that, we’ll explain how to breed Jormuntide Ignis. Let’s begin!

How to Get Jormuntide Ignis in Palworld
Before we get to the breeding of Jormuntide Ignis in Palworld, you need to figure out how to get one and its spawn location. As it turns out, the Fire-type dragon appears in one location only. What you need to do is forge forward to the northwest of the map (northwest of the usual starting point, anyway). Eventually, you’ll come across the Forgotten Island fast travel point. To the west of that is a daunting-looking island (looks like a curled hedgehog on the map). If you prefer, that island is just to the north of Obsidian Mountain.

That island is called Nature Preserve 2. Since it’s a nature preserve, it’s full of regular enemies that want to prevent you from capturing a Jormuntide Ignis. Almost like you’re a poacher of some sort. Anyways, try to avoid the mercenaries and focus on the dragon. It’s a level 41 monster, so come prepared. Good luck!
How to Breed Jormuntide Ignis in Palworld
Now that we know how to get a Jormuntide Ignis in Palworld, let’s talk about how breeding this species works. As it turns out, the only way to do breed Jormuntide Ignis is to have two Jormuntide Ignis parents. There was a time when you could have the dragon be one parent and then use another Fire-type Pal as the other. That has since been removed as an option. That means at least two trips to Nature Preserve 2 to get two Jormuntide Ignises (Ignii?) of differing genders. Still, if you manage to pull it off, you never have to go back again and breed new fire dragons to your heart’s content. And since they have Kindling at level 4, they are great for making Cakes faster.