Pokemon GO Halloween Event 2022
The 2022 Pokemon GO Halloween event Timed Research tasks and rewards have been announced, and are now available for you to complete. I’m sure many of you want to know when the spooky season is going to kick off, and what you can earn for doing activities in Part I of the Halloween event. Well, that’s what we’ll be discussing in this guide, so let’s dive straight in!

Halloween Timed Research in Pokemon GO
The Timed Research tasks and rewards in the Pokemon GO Halloween Part I all revolve around various “spooky” Pokemon. Namely, spiders, bats, cats and those things. For the most part, these are kinda boring, but by the end of it, it gets kinda interesting. Is it worth the five-dollar asking price? Well, that’s up for you to decide.
- Step 1
- Walk 2 km – Spinarak encounter
- Catch 10 Pokemon – Joltik encounter
- Catch 7 Ghost-type Pokemon – Dewpider encounter
- Rewards for completing all steps – Ariados encounter, 1 Incense
- Step 2
- Walk 2 km – Zubat encounter
- Transfer 10 Pokemon – Woobat encounter
- Catch 10 Ghost-type Pokemon – Gligar encounter
- Rewards for completing all steps – Golbat encounter, 1x Egg Incubator
- Step 3
- Walk 2 km – Purrloin encounter
- Send 7 Gifts to friends – Litten encounter
- Catch 10 Ghost-type Pokemon – Sneasel encounter
- Rewards for completing all steps – Umbreon encounter, 1x Egg Incubator
- Step 4
- Hatch an Egg – Yamask encounter
- Make 9 Curveball Throws – Duskull encounter
- Catch 13 Ghost-type Pokemon – Galarian Yamask encounter
- Rewards for completing all steps – Spiritomb encounter, Lantern Pose
Pokemon GO Halloween Event Release Date & Time
The release date and time of the 2022 Pokemon GO Halloween event is October 20th at 10 AM local server time. So, when the clock strikes 10 AM in your time zone, that’s when the event should kick off. Make sure to download the latest version of the game beforehand, or else you might not have access to the Halloween stuff. You’ll have just over ten or eleven days to enjoy the spooky festivities; the event ends on November 1st at 10 AM local server time. In fact, the first part will end on October 27th. So, be sure to wrap up any research tasks and other activities you might be taking part in before then. It should be more than enough time to complete everything, but we’ll have to wait and see. After all, Niantic have released no further information at time of writing.