Pokemon GO Holiday Cup Best Team 2022

Putting together the best team for the 2022 Pokemon GO Holiday Cup Great League edition can prove a daunting task to some Trainers. First off, you need to be aware of which Pokemon you can use. Then, you have to put them together in a team that can gel together well. In this guide, we will give you some ideas on what such a team might look like.

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pokemon go holiday cup best team 2022
Pokemon GO Holiday Cup Best Team 2022

Best Team for Holiday Cup in Pokemon GO 2022

In order to build the best team for the 2022 Pokemon GO Holiday Cup Great League edition, you first need to know what the limitations are. First off, your Pokemon need to be at 1,500 CP or lower to participate. Second, you can only use Normal-, Grass-, Electric-, Ice-, Flying-, and Ghost-type Pokemon. While that may sound daunting, it actually leaves you with a lot of wiggle room to build quite the fearsome team. In the list below, we are going to give you some suggestions on what the ideal team for this cup might look like. Obviously, feel free to experiment on your own and report your results in the comments.

  • Aurorus (with Powder Snow, Meteor Beam), Togedemaru (with Thunder Shock, Wild Charge), Dubwool (with Double Kick, Body Slam)
  • Altaria (with Dragon Breath, Sky Attack), Talonflame (with Incinerate, Brave Bird), Obstagoon (with Counter, Night Slash)
  • Abomasnow (with Powder Snow, Weather Ball Ice), Lanturn (with Water Gun, Surf), Vigoroth (with Counter, Body Slam)
  • Alolan Graveler (with Volt Switch, Stone Edge), Altaria (with Dragon Breath, Sky Attack), Dubwool (with Double Kick, Body Slam)
  • Alolan Sandslash (with Shadow Claw, Ice Punch), Noctowl (with Wing Attack, Sky Attack), Vigoroth (with Counter, Body Slam)

And there you have it, those are some of our ideas of what a good team for the 2022 Pokemon GO Holiday Cup Great League edition could look like. Basically, we’ve put together some of the strongest Pokemon that meet the requirements and mixed them in ways that can both take and dish out damage. Again, you can absolutely mix and match to meet your own preferences.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.