Moltres Counters, Weakness & Best Moveset in Pokemon GO

In our Moltres Counters, Weakness & Best Moveset in Pokemon GO guide, we are going to give you all the necessary information to face off against the legendary fire bird in Raids. Considering that it will be returning to Raids from July 14th to July 22nd, you’re going to need all the help you can get. So, let’s get into the details without any further ado.

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moltres counters weakness & best moveset in pokemon go
Moltres Counters, Weakness & Best Moveset in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO Moltres Counters

The best counters for Moltres in Pokemon GO are those that can exploit its weakness but can withstand its moveset, at least to a degree. In the list below, we’re going to give you a number of Pokemon that should meet both of these requirements pretty well, in no particular order. Feel free to share your own preferences in the comments.

  • Mega Aerodactyl (or Shadow, or regular) with Rock Throw and Rock Slide
  • Tyranitar (Shadow or regular) with Smack Down and Stone Edge
  • Rampardos with Smack Down and Rock Slide
  • Rhyperior with Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
  • Gigalith with Smack Down and Rock Slide
  • Terrakion with Smack Down and Rock Slide
  • Landrous (Therian or Incarnate) with Rock Throw and Rock Slide
  • Omastar (Shadow or regular) with Rock Throw and Rock Slide
  • Golem (Alola or regular) with Rock Throw and Stone Edge
  • Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
  • Aggron (Shadow or regular) with Smack Down and Stone Edge
  • Regirock with Rock Throw and Stone Edge

Moltres Weakness & Best Moveset in Pokemon GO

Now that we’ve covered the best counters for Moltres in Pokemon GO, let’s get into its weakness (or rather weaknesses) and its moveset. First off, the main weakness of Moltres are Rock attacks, from which it takes 256% damage. The other two are Water and Electric attacks, which deal 160% damage. Unfortunately, Moltres is also resistant to a lot of attack types. Specifically, Ground, Fighting, Fire, Fairy and Steel attacks deal 63% damage, and Bug and Grass attacks do a pitiful 39% damage.

As for the best moveset Moltres can have, it’s probably the combination of Fire Spin (Fire) as the Quick Attack and Sky Attack (Flying) as the Charged Attack. The latter is an Elite TM, though, so keep that in mind. The only other Quick Attack Moltres can have is Wing Attack (Flying). Its Charged Attack list also includes Heat Wave (Fire), Overheat (Fire), Fire Blast (Fire), Ancient Power (Rock), Frustration (Normal, Shadow) and Return (Normal, Purified).

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.