Pokemon GO Safari Zone Taipei Special Research Tasks & Rewards
The Pokémon GO Safari Zone: Taipei live event is here! The next Safari Zone event takes place at Da’an Forest Park in Taipei. The event is set to kick off on Friday, October 21st, and it will last for three days, until Sunday, October 23rd, 2022. Among many other activities, you will also be able to complete “a short, event-exclusive Special Research story”. In our guide, we list all Pokemon GO Safari Zone Taipei Special Research tasks and rewards.

Safari Zone Taipei All Special Research Tasks & Rewards Pokemon GO
If you’ve purchased a ticket for the next Pokémon GO Safari Zone, you probably can’t wait for the event to kick off and participate in the activities. October’s Safari Zone is taking us to Da’an Forest Park in Taipei. Each day, the event will last from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm local time. As a ticket owner, you will be able to choose a day when you want to participate. Here’s a glimpse of what to expect, as per the official announcement:
“You’ll encounter Pokémon themed around Pokémon Air Adventures, such as Flying Pikachu, Snorlax, and Pachirisu. Also, for the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter Shiny Finneon—if you’re lucky!”
In addition, during the event, Lure Module and Incense duration will be increased. Furthermore, you will be able to make up to five Special Trades, and trade for half the normal Stardust cost. Finally, you will be able to complete Special Research Tasks and earn some nice rewards! Below, we list all Pokemon GO Safari Zone Taipei Special Research tasks and rewards:
Task | Task Reward | Total Reward |
Transfer 10 Pokémon | Incense x1 | Super Incubator x1 |
Evolve 3 Pokémon | Great Ball x100 | Fast TM x1 |
Catch 10 different species of Pokémon | Rare Candy x5 | Golden Razz Berry x1 |
Take a snapshot of your buddy | Lucky Egg x1 | Premium Raid Pass x1 |
Give your buddy 3 treats | Great Ball x100 | Shiny Spritzee Encounter |
Play with your buddy 3 times | Star Piece x1 | Stardust x30,000 |