Shiny Duskull in Pokemon GO 2022
The shiny Duskull in Pokemon GO in 2022 is very difficult to get, as is the case with all shiny Pokemon. That’s kinda the point of them, after all. You might not even know whether Duskull can be shiny at all. That’s why, in this guide, we are going to be discussing exactly that, and we’ll explain how to tell a shiny Duskull from the regular version.

Can Duskull Be Shiny in Pokemon GO
Yes, Duskull can be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022, as well as the special cempasúchill flower crown version that you can get during the Dia de Muertos event. Of course, if you evolve either of them, you’ll get the shiny versions of Dusclops and Dusknoir. Neither of the evolutions can be shiny when encountered in the wild or in Raids, so evolution is the only way to obtain them. Now, it’s relatively easy to tell the shiny Duskull apart from the regular one, but the differences are not as obvious as some. What you need to look at is the Pokemon’s ghostly body. The regular Duskull’s body is black, while the shiny has a reddish-brown body. Maroon, I suppose I should say.
And there you have it, that’s all you need to know when it comes to shiny Duskull in Pokemon GO in 2022. Now, the problem is that, like all other shiny Pokemon, these are really rare. And even the regular Duskull is not exactly the most common of Pokemon. It usually appears at night, in my experience. It makes sense, considering that it’s a Ghost Pokemon. However, they are the most common during the Halloween period, so you should make the most of these spooky events. As for the cempasúchill flower crown version, it will go away on November 2nd at 8 PM local time, so focus on getting as many as you can.