Shiny Hisuian Avalugg Pokemon GO 2022
In our Shiny Hisuian Avalugg Pokemon GO 2022 guide, we are going to show you both how to get a Hisuian Avalugg and whether or not it can be shiny. With the Hisuian Avalugg raid day coming on December 24th, I think this info is going to be useful to Trainers. With that said, let’s jump straight in!

How to Get Hisuian Avalugg in Pokemon GO
The only way to get a Hisuian Avalugg in Pokemon GO, be it shiny or regular, is to defeat it in a raid. Like most other powerful Pokemon, the Avalugg doesn’t just appear in the wild for you to catch. You have to earn that encounter. Specifically, you have to emerge victorious from the raid. After that, you’ll have a chance to capture the Avalugg. If you want one, then mark Friday, December 24th, 2022 on your calendar. From 2 PM to 5 PM, Hisuian Avalugg will be appearing in three-star raids. Since it’s a Raid Day event, you’ll be able to earn up to five additional daily Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs. Plus, you’ll have increased odds of encountering a shiny Hisuian Avalugg. Speaking of…
Can Hisuian Avalugg be Shiny in Pokemon GO?
Yes, the Hisuian Avalugg can be shiny in Pokemon GO. Naturally, just like every other shiny Pokemon, they are very, very rare. If you want to have even a remote shot of catching one, you’ll have to go for every single Avalugg raid encounter you come across during any event that features them. There’s no guarantee that any of them are going to be shiny, but you have to play the numbers game. I wish you the best of luck. Incidentally, it’s fairly easy to tell the difference between a shiny and regular Hisuian Avalugg. The shiny’s mouth cover is bright orange instead of gray. So, that at least shouldn’t be that big of an issue.