Pokemon GO Spring Into Spring 2021 - Field Research Tasks

Spring into Spring 2021 is a new event in Pokemon GO. It has started, and it brought a bunch of field research tasks into the game, along with exciting collection challenges. The event will be available until April 8th, so there’s no time to dawdle – if you want to take part, you better jump right in. Our Pokemon Go Spring Into Spring 2021 guide will show you all the field research tasks and how to complete them, which pokemon you need to look for for the collection challenge, what kind of rewards to expect and more.

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pokemon go spring into spring 2021 field research tasks
Pokemon GO Spring Into Spring 2021 – Field Research Tasks

Pokemon GO Spring Into Spring event bonuses

While the event lasts, there will be certain bonuses active. This includes an icreased amount of hatch candy, halving of the hatch distance for all eggs, and increasing the duration of lucky eggs to one hour.

Field Research Pokemon GO

There are five field research Pokemon Go tasks in the Spring into Spring event. Each one will reward you with a different pokemon. It’s a great way to expand your pokedex, but also to get on the way to completing the collection challenge. Here’s a list of them:

Field Research TaskReward
Catch 5 ExeggcuteBuneary, Eevee with a flower crown , Pikachu with a flower crown
Catch 15 ExeggcuteAzumarill
Catch 25 ExeggcuteChansey with a flower crown
Use an incenseChansey with a flower crown
Win 2 raidsRuffle

Pokemon GO Collection Challenge

Here’s a list of all the pokemon you have to catch for the Spring into Spring 2021 collection challenge, and how you can get them:

NameHow to get
Shadow ExeggcuteGrass
Grunts: Psychic
Field Research
Field Research
Field Research
AzumarillField Research
Chansey with Flower CrownWild
Field Research

Once you’ve completed the entire collection, you’ll get a Lucky Egg, 50 Lopunny Mega Energy, 2500XP, and progress for your elite collector medal.

Pokemon GO Spring into Spring event bosses

While the Spring into Spring event is active, there will be new bosses appearing in raids. Here’s a list of all the new pokemon you’ll fight during the springtime raids:

  • Tier 1: Bunnelby, Pikachu with a flower crown, Eevee with a flower crown, Rufflet, Timburr
  • Tier 3: Chansey with a flower crown, Azumarill, Alolan Exeggutor, Togetic
  • Tier 5: Therian Tornadus
  • Mega: Lopunny, Gengar, Manectric
Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.