Pokemon GO Zekrom Weakness, Counters & Best Moveset
In our Pokemon GO Zekrom Weakness, Counters & Best Moveset guide, we are going to show you basically everything you need to know about facing this creature in five-star Raids. Zekrom will be in those from January 10th to January 18th 2023, and you’ll have to know how to fight it efficiently and which moves to arm it with once you do manage to catch it. So, let’s dive straight in, shall we?

Pokemon GO Zekrom Counters & Weakness
We are going to start the guide with listing the weakness of Zekrom in Pokemon GO and the best counters for it before going into its moveset. The Dragon / Electric Pokemon actually has four major weaknesses: Ground, Dragon, Ice and Fairy attacks. All of these deal 160% damage to Zekrom. In the list below, we’ll show you some of the best Pokemon to use in this battle. You’ll notice that it skews heavily in favor of Dragons, which is mostly because these are the strongest Pokemon in general. Feel free to share your preferences in the comments.
- Mega Salamence (or Shadow, or regular) with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Mega Latios with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
- Mega Latias with Dragon Breath and Outrage
- Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw
- Shadow Mamoswine with Mud Slap and Avalance
- Shadow Garchomp (or regular) with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Groudon (Primal or regular) with Dragon Tail and Earthquake
- Reshiram with Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
- Palkia with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
Pokemon GO Zekrom Best Moveset
Now that we know the weakness and counters for Zekrom in Pokemon GO, let’s analyze its moveset. As we’ve already said, we’re dealing with a Dragon / Electric type here, and it’s best to play to these strengths. The combination of Charge Beam (Electric) as the Quick Attack and Wild Charge (Electric) as the Charged Attack is arguably the strongest one. However, you can feel free to substitute them with either Dragon Breath (Dragon Quick Attack) or Outrage (Dragon Charged Attack). You can even go with a full Dragon build if you want to. On the other hand, you can safely ignore the other two Charged Attacks, Crunch (Dark) and Flash Cannon (Steel).