Greavard Evolution Into Houndstone Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
If you don’t know how the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Greavard evolution into Houndstone works, well, who can blame you? The Candle Dog Pokemon is making its debut in the new games, so nobody can really know what you’re supposed to do to make it evolve. Fortunately, it’s nothing too complicated. In this guide, we are going to show you how to evolve Greavard into Houndstone in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How to Evolve Greavard Into Houndstone Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
To evolve Greavard into Houndstone in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you need to complete the evolution at a certain time of day. Well first off, the Candle Dog Pokemon needs to reach level 30. That’s going to be quite the grind, I know, but it’s what needs to happen. If you want to speed the process up, you can use a Rare Candy or let the Ghost-type puppy hold the Lucky Egg. However you do it, just make sure that it hits that thirtieth level at night. Granted, I’m sure that the game won’t lock you out if it gets to the required level during the day. Greavard will probably evolve when night falls. You might need to level it up again while it’s dark, though.
And there you have it, that’s how the evolution of the Candle Dog Pokemon works and how to evolve Greavard into Houndstone in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Again, since it’s brand new, there was no way you could have known how its evolution “cycle” works. Even though the thirty-level grind might get arduous, it will be worth the effort. On the one hand, you’ll fill up one of the spots in your Pokedex. But on top of that, Houndstone is a pretty good Ghost Pokemon to use. If you don’t know where to find a Greavard in the first place, feel free to check out our How to Get Greavard guide.