Pawmi Evolution Into Pawmo & Pawmot Pokemon Scarlet Violet

The Pawmi evolution into Pawmo and Pawmot in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is going to be a mystery to pretty much every Trainer who is going in blind. After all, this Electric-type Pokemon is brand new. There’s no way to even guess how to evolve Pawmi into Pawmo and Pawmot in Scarlet and Violet. If you just can’t figure it out, don’t worry; we’re here to help.

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pawmi evolution into pawmo & pawmot pokemon scarlet and violet
Pawmi Evolution Into Pawmo & Pawmot Pokemon Scarlet Violet

How to Evolve Pawmi into Pawmo Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To evolve Pawmi into Pawmo in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which is step one in the journey to the evolution of Pawmot, you simply have to get the Pokemon up to level 18. That can prove to be a bit of a grind, especially if you prefer using a different Pokemon as your main Electric-type. However, there are several ways to speed the process up. For example, you can use the Rare Candy and / or let the Pawmi carry the Lucky Egg. However you do choose to do it, just get your Pawmi to the eighteenth level. It will evolve automatically. There are no other requirements.

Pawmo Evolution Into Pawmot Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

The Pawmo evolution into Pawmot in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet takes more than what you did to evolve Pawmi. By that, I mean it’s not as easy as just leveling up. No, this step is much more obscure. Speaking of steps, here’s what you need to do: you need to get that Pawmo out to walk with you using the Let’s Go system. It then has to take a thousand steps, and that will trigger the evolution. This is annoying, because Pawmo is very slow, like many other Pokemon. That means you’ll have to spend a lot of time waiting for it to catch up. However, if you want to fill that Pokedex up, then that’s what you have to do.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.