Rage 2 Ark Chest Locations
Ark Chests are a special kind of chest in Rage 2, which drop all kinds of valuable loot, including vehicle upgrades and materials such as auto parts and other stuff. As you can probably tell, you’ll want to get your hands on as many Rage 2 Ark Chests as you can. The only question then is where to find them and how to get them. So, with that in mind, our Rage 2 Ark Chest Locations guide is going to show you where to find the Ark Chests in Rage 2, in order to obtain vehicle upgrades, and other valuable stuff.

NOTE: This guide is a work in progress. We’ll keep updating it with more info as we discover it.
Ark Chests, as stated above, are all over the place. There are tens upon tens of them, likely well over a thousand, and they’re all over the place. Named locations usually have two or three, but even in free roam there’s so many of them to find. And you really do want to open every single one that you come across. Why? Because they drop items like Auto Parts, Nanotrites, Ark Tech Cores, Weapon Mods, and so on. So basically, upgrades for your character, your weapons, your vehicles, etc. Sure, you can buy them, but the Ark Chests are a way more financially viable way of obtaining them. We’re working on some maps to show you the locations of the chests, since there’s so many of them, but that’s gonna take a while.
Where to Find Ark Chest in Junkers Pass Ark?
To find the Ark Chest in Junkers Pass Ark, look around the Ark vault itself. This is the first one you’re likely to come across, if you follow where the game takes you at the start. Junkers Pass Ark is going to be the second location the road will lead you to, right after lifting the road block.
As you enter the compound, stick to the left as much as you can, and climb up the long, metal staircase. The place is full of enemies, so be on your guard. After you clear out the catwalk, just proceed forward towards the Ark. The ark chest will be immediately to your left as you descend the small staircase.
On The Crack Ark Chest Location in Rage 2
The location of all the stuff in the On The Crack exploration location is pretty obvious. Enter from the east, and walk straight forward. Go up the small staircase, and the Ark Chest will be pretty much right in front of you, at the base of the MMA-looking ring. The two storage containers and single data pad are all within spitting distance of it. Really, when it comes to collectible stuff, this is one of the easiest locations to explore.
Where to Find Underpass Bandit Den Ark Chest?
To find the ark chest in the Underpass Bandit den, go into the POI from the south. Enter the main building by climbing the staircase on the left. Keep going up the stairs, into the small living room-like area. Walk through it, and take another staircase on the left. Go around the bar area, and out onto the balcony. Now, simply walk to the railing, and look to the left to spot the Ark Chest. On your way up here, you have three storage containers to collect.
If you need further help with the game, check out our other Rage 2 guides. Among other stuff, we’ve got Rage 2 Cheats – How to Get Cheat Codes, How to Get Settler Pistol Pre-Order Bonus Weapon, and there’s more to come. Stay tuned for that.