Captain Starshield Armor Set Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart

Captain Starshield is a unique armor set that you can collect and wear in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. It consists of three pieces of armor: Captain Starshield Boots, Captain Starshield Helmet, and Captain Starshield Chest. The Starshield armor increases how much XP you gain, and each individual piece can be found in a different location. Collecting the full set is advised, because each additional piece increases the bonus that you get from it. This Captain Starshield Armor Set Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart guide will tell you all you need to know about where each piece of this set is located, as well as what you need to do in order to get it.

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Captain Starshield Armor Set Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart

Captain Starshield Helmet – Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Captain Starshield Helmet - Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart

The first part of the Starshield Armor Set is the Starshield Helmet (called the Hero’s Mask). You can find it on Savali – Urfdah Mesa, in Pocket Dimension: 43-63-08. Enter this pocket dimension. In the distance, you will see the armor piece. To get to it, you will need to wall run along several walls, timing your jumps from one side to the other. When you reach the end of this floating corridor, jump over the bombs and glide towards the dimensional rift until you are able to grab it. You are now on the island with the Starshield Helmet, so approach and collect it. When you wear this Hero’s Mask helmet, you earn 5% more XP.

Captain Starshield Boots – Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Captain Starshield Boots - Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart

The second piece of the Captain Starshield Armor Set, the Starshield Boots (called Hero’s Leggings in-game), can be found on Ardolis – Pirate Base, inside Pocket Dimension: 21-66-72. When you enter this Pocket Dimension, the Captain Starshield Boots will appear easy to get – like you can jump straight to them. However, this is misleading, and you will need to zip around this pocket dimension grappling from platform to platform until you make your way to the floating island where the Starshield Boots are. Shoot the debris and mines out of the way to make this easier. When you reach the island where the Hero’s Leggings are, collect them and your XP gain will rise to +10%.

Captain Starshield Chest – Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Captain Starshield Chest - Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart

The third and final piece of the Captain Starshield Armor Set is on Cordelion – Kedaro Station, in Pocket Dimension: 08-08-08. This is the Starshield Chest piece, referred to as the Hero’s Suit in the game. When you enter this pocket dimension, you will see that it is filled with floating life preservers. When you hit or shoot these, they expand and after a couple of moments shrink back. Shoot them to make a path and quickly jump on them until you reach the island where the Captain Starshield Chest piece is. You now have the entire Captain Starshield Armor Set in your possession and gain +20% XP.

We hope that you have found our Captain Starshield Armor Set Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart guide useful. We have similar guides on other armor sets in the game and we invite you to check them out in our Ratchet & Clank section. Happy gaming!

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.