Resident Evil 8 Village Pre-Order Trauma Pack Bonus - Where to Find Samurai Pistol & Weapon Charm

The Trauma Pack pre-order bonus pack for Resident Evil 8 Village includes a number of items, including the Samurai Edge AW Model-01 pistol, the Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm, “Village of Shadows” difficulty, Resident Evil 7 Found Footage filter, Tape Recorder save point, “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” safe room music, the Tragedy of Ethan Winters concept art and the Baker Incident Report. The potentially tricky part here is that these items are not immediately accessible. Some of them you’ll have to work extra for and figure out where to find them. We’ll help you do just that with our Resident Evil 8 Village Pre-Order Trauma Pack Bonus – Where to Find Samurai Pistol & Weapon Charm guide.

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resident evil 8 village pre-order trauma pack bonus where to find samurai pistol & weapon charm
Resident Evil 8 Village Pre-Order Trauma Pack Bonus – Where to Find Samurai Pistol & Weapon Charm

Where to Find Samurai Pistol & Weapon Charm Trauma Pack Pre-Order Bonus in Resident Evil 8 Village

To find the Samurai Edge AW Model-01 gun and the Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm from your Resident Evil 8 Village Trauma Pack, you’ll actually have to purchase it in the game. You’ll have to play through the game until you meet the merchant (the big roly-poly dude that you might have seen in the trailers) and spend your hard-earned lei for them. You’d think the game would give it to you fpr free, but no such luck.

At least the rest of the things are easier to find. The Resident Evil 7 Found Footage filter, Tape Recorder save point and “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” safe room music are in the Options menu, under the “Special” tab. As for the Tragedy of Ethan Winters concept art and the Baker Incident Report will be in the Bonuses part of the main menu. Last, but not least, the “Village of Shadows” difficulty will be available as soon as you try to start a new game.

Incidentally, don’t forget to download the Resident Evil 8 Village Trauma pre-order bonus pack, like the samurai pistol and weapon charm. You can do so, at least on PlayStation, by starting the game up and accessing the PlayStation Store option from the main menu. You should be able to start the download from there. It’s no big fuss, just don’t forget to do it.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.