Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 Launch Delayed Again Due to Stability Issues

The launch of Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 has been delayed again. The reason the developers are citing for the delay is that they’ve encountered stability issues in the 3.0 feature set. The Alpha was supposed to come out in late August. Instead, it should launch in early September. Originally, it was supposed to be released back in late 2016.

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Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 Launch Delayed Again Due to Stability Issues
Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 Launch Delayed Again Due to Stability Issues

Fans of Star Citizen have another disappointment heading their way. The long-awaited launch of the Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 is getting another delay. Originally, Alpha 3.0 was meant to launch in late 2016. It was then moved to July 2017, then August, and now, according to Eurogamer, it should come out in early September 2017. The reason for this rescheduling, according to a post on the official Star Citizen website, is that the developers have encountered some stability issues while polishing the 3.0 feature set:

This week, we entered the optimization, polish and bug fixing phase for the 3.0 feature set. As there have been so many features and content implemented, we’ve encountered some stability issues that we want to address before going to a wider test audience. The ongoing work on the new Patcher system (that will save you from having to completely re-download each build) and some new bugs with CopyBuild3 (our internal version of the patcher) have also slowed us down. Because of this we have pushed back the Evocati and subsequent date ranges to reflect the additional time needed to get Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 ready for prime time.

Of course, another delay will probably upset the game’s community some. True, two weeks isn’t much of a delay, but this is something that they’ve been expecting for months. It’s always better to wait a little while and play a complete product than get something that’s been rushed out the door. Hopefully, the fans will keep patient.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. J

    An independant journalist Christopher Livingston did played already 3.0 before everybody

    THose days are hard for tolls… 🙂

    Note: by the way: CIG received + 260K$ in 4 days… a tragedy 🙂

    So yes this is coming and not late for a company which had 12 guys and 6M$ end of Nov. 2012