Evil Within 2 Launch Time on PS4, Xbox One & PC Revealed

Bethesda has revealed the exact launch times of The Evil Within 2 for the Xbox One, PC, and PS4. While the game comes out simultaneously on consoles, the PC release will have differing launch times in different time zones. Preloads on PC and Xbox are already up, and coming to PlayStation soon. The Evil Within launches this Friday, on October 13th.

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Evil Within 2 Launch Time on PS4, Xbox One & PC Revealed
Evil Within 2 Launch Time on PS4, Xbox One & PC Revealed

The Evil Within 2 launch date is only days away. Fans of the action-horror game are preparing for the release. In fact, preloads for the Xbox One and PC have already gone up last Friday, on October 6th. PlayStation 4 owners won’t have to wait much longer for their preloads, which will start on Wednesday, October 11th. However, the main attraction starts on Friday, and players have been curious as to when exactly the game will launch. Well, here’s when the game will launch on each platform.

When is Evil Within 2 Launch Time

On PlayStation 4 and Xbox One the global launch time is the same; Evil Within 2 comes out on consoles on October 13th, at 12:01 AM. On PC, the situation is a bit more fragmented. The game comes out on the same date, but times will vary. In North America, it will launch at 12.01 AM Easter Time / 9 PM Pacific Time. Presumably, this means that people on the west coast will get access to Evil Within 2 on October 12th. In Europe, the release time is 12:01 British Summer Time, aka 1 AM Central European. Finally, in Australia, Evil Within 2 is coming out at 12:01 AM Japan Standard Time. This information was released by Bethesda; you can check out the image with the launch times above.

In Evil Within 2, we’ll be taking control of Sebastian from the first game. After hitting rock bottom, he goes on a new quest to save his daughter, face off against brand new monstrosities, and uncover what Mobius is up to now.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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