The Evil Within 2 Main Story Plot Details Recap and Trailer

The Evil Within 2 has a quite interesting story involving detective Sebastian Castellanos. He has more engaging motives now than in the previous title. Although The Evil Within 2 can be played without even knowing about its predecessor, it relies on its main protagonist’s history. Learning about his story and connections to the other characters is something that you might want to know.

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The Evil Within 2 Main Story Plot Explained

  • Sebastian Castellanos, a returning character from the first Evil Within, is once again the main protagonist.
  • The events in The Evil Within 2 take place not long after the first one; about three years later.
  • At this point, Sebastian is only a shell of his former self. Not only was he fired from his detective job, became an alcoholic and emotionally broken, but no one believes that his adventures during the first game even happened.
  • He’s spent the three years searching for answers about Mobius, the purpose of STEM, and Juli Kidman. Kidman, who Sebastian had taken under his protection, is working for Mobius – a group that is responsible for the creation of STEM. STEM is a system that allows many minds to be connected through a single host. This is where those bathtubs filled with white liquid come into play.
  • Kidman informs Sebastian that Mobius will give him answers he wants in return for his help. But there is a greater prize there. The host needed for creating a STEM world is his daughter Lily, presumed to have died in an accident staged by Mobius. She is lost in the STEM world, and they need his help to find her.
  • This STEM World is called Union, and it has Lily’s mind as its core. From afar, it resembles a small rural town. However, it is not a calm place at all, because it mirrors Lily’s current mental state. It feels like it has collapsed into itself, and killers have their way in there. Just like Stefano the flashy photographer from the announcement trailer and Theodore, on whom we’ll get more details soon enough. The creatures from Sebastian’s past will also find him in here.
  • Kidman will turn out to be one of the major characters in Evil Within 2. She will communicate with Sebastian in STEM through a communicator device. Although there is no reason for Castellanos to believe her, she is his only source of help on his journey to defeat the new enemies and find Lily.
  • The communicator device can also be used to track down mission objectives. It can also lead to the Resonances. Once picked up, these Resonances show past events that have occurred in Union, helping to piece together the story and even find some helpful resources.
  • Sebastian is not alone in this world. On his journey, he will encounter some Mobius agents, who have probably been sent here for the same reason, and many other survivors. If you talk with them, you can learn more about the side objectives in the world.
  • The Union world is less linear than the one in the previous title. There should be some big maps fairly early at the start, which will provide you with items you’ll need to survive; items like crafting materials, because there is crafting here, and other resources like weapons and supplies.

Evil Within 2 Main Story Plot Details Recap and Trailer

The Evil Within 2 releases worldwide on Friday October 13th, 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Lokesh still remembers Purra, the cat from Aion, and how finding her and helping other players by spreading the information made him feel proud. Presenting precise and clear guidelines that readers can easily comprehend is the goal he strives for. That being the case, please excuse the numerous lists and tables in his articles.


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