Looks Good on You Trophy - Make Joel Wear Hat in The Last of Us 2

Making Joel wear a hat in Last of Us 2 earns you the Looks Good on You achievement / trophy. The only place we know that you can make Joel wear a hat is during the Birthday Gift chapter of the game. However, he flat out refuses to put the hat on. So, how do you force him to do that? We’re going to show you in our How to Make Joel Wear Hat in Last of Us 2 guide.

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Make Joel Wear Hat in Tlou2
How to Make Joel Wear Hat in Last of Us 2 – Looks Good on You Achievement

Last Of Us 2 Birthday Gift Museum – How to Make Joel Wear Hat?

To make Joel wear a hat in the museum during the Birthday Gift chapter in The Last of Us 2 and get the Looks Good on You achievement, you first have to get a hat. You can get one right at the entrance and to the right, in the souvenir shop near the counter. On one of the spinning racks, there’s a hat you can pick up. Joel will refuse to wear it at this point, so proceed into the dinosaur exhibit.

As soon as you walk into this new room, you’ll come across a triceratops skeleton. Approach its head and focus on the horn; a prompt to interact with it should pop up when you position yourself properly. When you get it right, press Triangle, and Ellie will put a hat on the horn. Then, press Triangle again to take it back.

Now, head to the back of the room, to the dimetrodon. That’s the one with ridiculously long and sharp spines jutting out of its spine. Once again, position yourself in front of the dinosaur’s head press Triangle, and Ellie will once again put the hat on it. Joel will comment something along the lines of “is this gonna be a thing?”

All you have to do now is pick the hat back up and approach Joel. There should be a Triangle above his head now, so press it again. Ellie is going to put the hat on him now, and he will protest for a little bit, but then he’ll keep it on. It’s Ellie’s birthday, after all. Looks Good on You Trophy will be unlocked.

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Nadia's favorite cartoon character is Wile E. Coyote Super Genius (hence the nickname). She has an uncanny ability to discover what guides gamers will be interested in (another reason for the nick). She's a professor of mathematics in her spare time (another nickname justification). The only non-genius thing she did was co-found GosuNoob.