WoW Classic Weapon Master & Trainer Locations

Weapon trainers and masters are special NPCs in World of Warcraft Classic. They can teach your characters to use different kinds of weapons. Since every class starts with the ability to use only a few types of weapons, their services are extremely useful. There are five of them across the world, and it’s important to know which one to look for, since they all teach different weapons. This guide is going to show you where to find all WoW Classic weapon trainers & masters.

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If you want to hunt them down yourself with some hints, keep in mind they are all in major cities. You can talk to the city guards and ask them for directions to the weapon master, and they’ll mark them on your map. When you talk to one weapon master, you can ask them about the others and what they can teach.

Horde weapon trainer locations

If you’re looking to learn staves, you could head to Thunderbluff. There’s an NPC in the middle part, by the pond, called Ansekhwa. He’ll teach you how to handle a staff, mace or gun.

In Orgrimmar, there are two weapon trainers. They’re next to each other, in a building in the northeastern corner of the Valley of Honor. If you need someone to teach you staves, bows, axes or thrown weapons, talk to Hanashi the troll. The orc next to him, Sayoc, is proficient in bows, daggers, fist weapons, thrown weapons and axes.

Finally, there’s one in Undercity. His name is Archibald, and you can find him in the inner ring of the War Quarter. He can train you in crossbow, dagger, sword and polearm use.

Where to find Alliance weapon masters

There are two masters in Ironforge, a dwarf and a gnome. You’ll find them both at the Timberline Arms, in the southern part of the Military Ward. Bixi will teach you crossbows, thrown weapons and daggers. Buliwyf, on the other hand, can coach you in fist weapons, guns, as well as axes and maces.

wow classic ironforge weapon master location

Then there’s Ilyenia Moonfire, the night elf in Darnassus. You can find her in the western part of the Warrior’s Terrace. She’ll offer to help you master the bow, throwing weapons, daggers, staves and fist weapons.

wow classic darnassus weapon trainer

The final weapon trainer is called Woo Ping. You can find them in Stormwind, at Weller’s Arsenal (in the middle of the Trade District). They can help you with crossbows, daggers, polearms, staves and swords.

wow classic stormwind weapon master trainer
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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.