XCOM 2 Developers Playing on Legend Difficulty
2K Games and Firaxis have uploaded a new video of XCOM 2. It’s one hour long, and features Jake Solomon and Mark Nauta from the development team playing the game on Legend difficulty.
If the people that made the game aren’t good at it, then what can we hope for?
Joking aside, it’s a great look at the game, and they do a good job of explaining certain mechanichs and design decisions while playing. If you’ve played the earlier game, you’ll feel somewhat at home in XCOM 2, but much has changed in both the tactical and the strategic part. No more satellites, thankfully.
XCOM 2 will be released on PC on February 5th. There’s no word on console versions yet, but it’s fairly certain they will come in due time.
If the people that made the game aren’t good at it, then what can we hope for?
XCOM 2 will be released on PC on February 5th. There’s no word on console versions yet, but it’s fairly certain they will come in due time.