Great Inagua Letter Locations Guide

This is a map of all Letter you can find in Great Inagua in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag.This counts towards 100% completion of the game.
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We also included explanations for some of the items with screenshots when we thought it would be difficult to find them just by its location. You will also see other collectibles on the map and clicking on them will take you to a page similar to this, only dedicated to that type of collectible.If you are having trouble locating any of these feel free to leave us a comment and we’ll try and add more detailed explanations.
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map of Great Inagua
Notes: Letter in this bottle is part of Great Inagua secrets completion task. It hides the story “On My Name and Origin”

To any and all who may read this Missive, know First that I am Thom Kavanagh, born in 1652, formerly of Boston, now of the Worlde, living in the year 1706;- taken to Isolation long ago in the playce of my Ancestors in pursuite of Peace and Steadieness of Spirit. My story is singular one …

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