Ubisoft’s pirate adventure, Assassin’s Creed Rogue contains a huge number of different collectibles that reward gamers with unique rewards upon collecting them all.
Cave paintings are collectibles that can be found on cave walls.
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While exploring world of Assassin’s Creed Rogue you will come across 25 Cave Paintings in total. In order to inspect the painting use Eagle Vision, and after that you’ll discover a secret painting hidden beneath the original one with a secret message. They usually represent prehistoric paintings of animals and nature. Collect them all to piece together the story they tell about The Good Spirit and The Evil Spirit and get additional Armour reward.
1. The Legend of the Sky Woman
Location: Each painting collected gives an audio log with the description of the painting on it. Once you collect all 24 of the paintings you can listen to them all in order by clicking on the first – “The Legend of the Sky Woman” painting.
2. The Beginning
Location: Otetiani (114, -391)
World: River Valley
In-game description: In the first days of the world, the earth was covered with water. There was no light in the sky, neither sun at day nor stars or moon at night.
Otetiani Cave Painting Map Location.
Enter the cave.
Otetiani Cave Painting Location.
3. Underwater
Location: Dekanawida (491, -660)
World: River Valley
In-game description: Under the surface lived the water animals. Loon, Kingfisher, Otter, Muskrat… they all lived in darkness.
Dekanawida Cave Painting 2. Map Location.
Cave leads to the painting.
4. Apple Tree
Location: Dekanawida (509, -657)
World: River Valley
In-game description: In the sky, the Great Spirit sat beneath the branches of a glowing apple tree with roots that sank into the clouds.
Dekanawida Cave Painting Map Location.
Enter the cave.
Dekanawida Cave Painting.
5. Looking Below
Location: Red Bank (390, -967)
World: River Valley
In-game description: One day, the Great Spirit called to his daughter, the Sky Woman. He pulled up the tree so she could look down to the earth.
Red Bank Cave Painting Location.
Red Bank Cave Painting Map Location.
6. Help Them
Location: Mont Saint Denis (908, -412)
World: River Valley
In-game description: “How can they live in such darkness and chaos?” asked the Sky Woman. The Great Spirit replied, “If you desire, you can bring them light and order.”
Mont Saint Denis Cave Painting.
Mont Saint Denis Cave Painting Map Location.
7. Falling
Location: Old Growth Forest (279, -527)
World: River Valley
In-game description: The Great Spirit gathered up the Sky Woman in his hands and gently lowered her down. When he let go, she began to fall slowly towards the earth.
Old Growth Forest Cave Painting.
Old Growth Forest Cave Painting Map Location.
8. Wonderment
Location: Riviere Aurifere (586, -306)
World: River Valley
In-game description: The water animals lifted their heads and looked up in wonder at the glowing woman in the sky. “What will happen when she reaches the water?” they asked one another.
Riviere Aurifere Cave Painting Map Location.
Riviere Aurifere Cave Painting.
9. Finding Earth
Location: Orenda (280, -419)
World: River Valley
In-game description: All the animals dove as deep as they could to find land. None could hold their breath long enough until finally, Muskrat brought up a little bit of earth in his paws.
Orenda Cave Painting Map Location.
Find the entrance.
Orenda Cave Painting.
10. The Great Turtle
Location: Coeur-de-I’hiver (538, -212)
World: River Valley
In-game description: A great turtle arrived, and Muskrat put the earth on his back. The turtle grew and the earth multiplied until they became a great island, which men now call North America.
Coeur-de-I’hiver Cave Painting.
Coeur-de-I’hiver Cave Painting Map Location.
11. Swans
Location: Black Ridge (77, -771)
World: River Valley
In-game description: From beneath the water, the swans flew up to meet The Sky Woman. They caught her and carefully set her down upon the new land.
Black Ridge Cave Painting.
Black Ridge Cave Painting.
12. Twins
Location: Genessee (372, -16)
World: River Valley
In-game description: The Sky Woman thanked the animals. “How I can give this land spirit,” she said. She then gave birth to twin sons.
Genessee Cave Painting.
Genessee Cave Painting Map Location.
13. Laughter and Tears
Location: Aarushi (931, -38)
World: River Valley
In-game description: The son who was born first laughing, and was called the Good Spirit. The son who was born second caused the Sky Woman so much pain that she died. He was called the Evil Spirit.
Aarushi Cave Painting Map Location.
Enter the settlement.
Turn left as you enter the tunnel.
Jump toward the cave painting.
14. Lighting the Sky
Location: Aarushi (948, -55)
World: River Valley
In-game description: The Good Spirit grieved for his mother. But he took her eyes and raised them into the sky, so one could become the sun and the other the moon. Her tears became the stars. This way, the world would no longer be in darkness.
Aarushi 2 Cave Painting Map Location.
Aarushi 2 Cave Painting.
15. Growing
Location: Vieille Carriere (514, -25)
World: River Valley
In-game description: The Good Spirit buried what was left of his mother under the earth to nourish the soil. All the trees and plants would grow out of her..
Vieille Carriere Cave Painting.
Vieille Carriere Cave Painting Map Location.
16. Mischief
Location: Anticosti (184, -152)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: Meanwhile, while the Good Spirit Worked in the light, the Evil Spirit did mischief within the shadows.
Mischief Cave Painting Location.
Anticosti Cave Painting Map Location.
17. Shadows
Location: Gros Morne (491, -308)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: The Evil Spirit crossed the land, moving from shadow to shadow. “I will ruin everything my brother has made!” he said.
Gros Morne Map Location.
Entrance of the Ice Cave.
Cave Painting Location.
18. Harmful Things
Location: Fogo (919, -67)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: And so, when the Good SPirit made strong trees and swift deer, the Evil Spirit made poisonous berries and stinging insects.
Inside a small hidden cave room.
Harmful Things Map Location.
19. The First Humans
Location: HMS Miranda shipwreck (732, -177)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: Finally, the Good Spirit took red clay from the earth and made humans. He taught humans how to speak and live together. The jealous Evil Spirit made himself servants out of sea foam.
HMS Miranda shipwreck Cave Painting.
HMS Miranda shipwreck Cave Painting Map Location.
20. Humanity
Location: Tera Nova (797, -480)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: The Good Spirit saw that his creations heeded his words, and were capable of wisdom. He wished that they might live forever in harmony.
Deeper inside the cave, you have to climb over the rocks to reach this hidden cave part.
Humanity Map Location.
21. Stubbornness
Location: St John’s (866, -638)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: The Good Spirit saw the mischief that his brother did and knew that even his help would not be enough. He told his brother to stop making trouble, but the Evil Spirit Refused.
St John’s Cave Map Location.
Stubbornness Painting Location.
22. The Challenge
Location: Pearl Island (944, -933)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: Knowing that his brother would respect only violence, the Good Spirit reluctantly challenged the Evil Spirit to combat. The winner would rule the world.
Pearl Island Cave Painting.
The Challenge Cave Painting Map Location.
23. Victory and Banishment
Location: Nerepis (126, -743)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: The Good Spirit and his people united and triumphed over the Evil Spirit. He banished his brother to a cave beneath the earth.
Victory and Banishment Cave Painting Location.
Nerepis Cave Painting Map Location.
24. Evil Remnants
Location: Grande-Entree (367, -482)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: On the surface, though, some of the Evil Spirit’s servants swill wandered from shadow to shadow. Their influence causes men to do evil things.
Grande-Entree Cave Painting.
Grande-Entree Cave Painting Map Location.
25. The End and Beyond
Location: Le Chameau (73, -472)
World: North Atlantic
In-game description: This is why there is still evil in the world. But people can also cast out this evil and find the good spirit within. All people can choose the path they follow.
Some of the coordinates made are incorrect, as I just found out after hours of painstakingly attempting to follow them only to accidently find the actual ‘real’ locations.
I have gone to every site on your tutorial and it still says i only have 23 of 24. Do you gotta progress further in to the story to allow the map to show its location?
Holler at me,
Hello not sure you can have an answer for me I went to the cave painting “Mischief” at Anticosti and I use eagle vision and I see it but it doesn’t give me the message and it’s not highlighted in my database ? Do I need to progress further in the story cuz I am only up to memory one One Little Victory I have been just traveling around exploring areas, etc. I have done two other cave paintings and they worked fine…. Thank you for any help
Some of the coordinates made are incorrect, as I just found out after hours of painstakingly attempting to follow them only to accidently find the actual ‘real’ locations.
How to break through iced wall…?? Please help
Powder kegs or shrapnel grenades
i went to the cave painting “shadows” its not giving me anything
I have gone to every site on your tutorial and it still says i only have 23 of 24. Do you gotta progress further in to the story to allow the map to show its location?
Holler at me,
Hello not sure you can have an answer for me I went to the cave painting “Mischief” at Anticosti and I use eagle vision and I see it but it doesn’t give me the message and it’s not highlighted in my database ? Do I need to progress further in the story cuz I am only up to memory one One Little Victory I have been just traveling around exploring areas, etc. I have done two other cave paintings and they worked fine…. Thank you for any help