Biomutant DLC Mercenary Class Pre-Order

The Biomutant DLC Mercenary Class Pre-Order is a special class that you can unlock by purchasing the game before it launches. This has caused a bunch of questions among the fan base. For the most part, people are wondering what the Mercenary class is and does, and how you can get it. Most of all, they’re worried whether they’re missing out on content if they don’t get the DLC. We’ll hopefully quell some of those fears in our Biomutant DLC Mercenary Class Pre-Order guide.

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biomutant dlc mercenary class pre-order
Biomutant DLC Mercenary Class Pre-Order

How to Get Mercenary Class Pre-Order Biomutant DLC

To get the Biomutant pre-order DLC class, the best way to go about it is to get the game before launch. Why? Because that’s the best deal you’re gonna get. I’m never one to encourage pre-ordering as a practice, but hey, if you’re 100% certain you wanna play, might as well get it early and thereby unlock access to the Mercenary class. Don’t worry, you’ll still have access to the DLC class after the pre-ordering period is closed. The only bummer is that, if you choose that avenue, you’ll have to pay extra to unlock the Mercenary. Either way, even if you decide to ignore this DLC entirely, you won’t be missing anything from the base game, as we’re about to explain.

What is the Biomutant Mercenary Class

The Biomutant Mercenary pre-order DLC class begins the game with dual-wield as a starting ability, and carries “a classic Katana and the shorter Wakizashi.” In other words, if you wanna go for the whole samurai or ronin vibe with your character, the Mercenary embodies the feel right out of the gate. That said, the dual-wield ability and these swords are not exclusive to the class. You can unlock them later in the game with any class; it’s just that the Mercenary has them from the get-go. In other words, whether you get the Mercenary DLC or not is entirely up to you; the devs are not keeping anything away from you in this DLC.

How to Download Biomutant Mercenary DLC on PS5 & PS4

To download the Biomutant Mercenary DLC class on PS5 & PS4, after you’ve installed the game, highlight the icon in the console’s main menu, then hit the Options button on the controller. Before that, close the game completely, just in case. The Options button will bring up a list, in which you’ll find the Manage Game Content option. Select it, and that’s where you should find the Mercenary DLC, which will likely be marked as “Not Installed.” So, all you have to do is click the down arrow on the right and wait for the DLC to download. Then, simply start the game again, and the class will be there, in the character creation.

EDIT: if you’re having trouble finding the Mercenary on PS4, there’s a workaround you can use. Download the PS App to your phone, go to the Library, and tap on Biomutant. Tap “Download to Console” and make sure that the PlayStation that you’ll be playing on is the primary. This download the DLC for you on top of everything else. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Not the ideal solution, but that’s all we’ve got for now.

how to download mercenary class dlc biomutant ps4
How to download Mercenary DLC on PlayStation

How to Download Mercenary Class DLC in Biomutnat on Xbox

To download the Mercenary DLC Class in Biomutant on Xbox, go to the store and search for Biomutant and show all results. Under the Add-ons tab, you should see the game’s icon telling you to choose an edition. Click on it, and you should have an option to download the Mercenary Class DLC. From there, just start the process, and when it’s done, start the game again. You ought to be able to select the Mercenary class during the character creation now.

mercenary class dlc biomutant how to download xbox
How to download Mercenary DLC on Xbox
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.