Biomutant Upgrade Bench for Gearwear & Weapons

Gearwear & Weapons upgrade benches in Biomutant are places where you can upgrade and modify your gear and/or weapons. This makes them a fairly significant part of the game, especially for the gearheads among you that like to tinker with their stuff. On the bright side, these upgrade benches can usually be found in specific towns, so they’re relatively safe. However, figuring out where to find them within a town can be a problem for some of you. They’re not always easy to spot. That’s why we’ve put together our Biomutant Upgrade Bench for Gearwear & Weapons guide.

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biomutant upgrade bench for gearwear & weapons
Biomutant Upgrade Bench for Gearwear & Weapons

Where to Find Gearwear and Weapons Upgrade Bench Locations for Biomutant

You can find a Biomutant upgrade bench location to upgrade and modify your gearwear and weapons in any town that has the Gearwear Upgrade Bench and/or Weapon Upgrade Bench in its list checklist. For example, we’ve found one of each in Mambleklump relatively early in the game. We’ve provided the location of the town in the screenshots below. Now, some of you might have already arrived at such a town, but can’t seem to find where the benches actually are. You’ve explored every inch of the ground without success. What gives?

Well, the catch is that the benches are not on the ground; they’re in the sky. You actually have to look for a hot air balloon somewhere in the town, and then use the rope hanging off the side to climb up. I don’t mean the chain holding the balloon to the ground, but specifically the yellow rope that you have to jump to reach. Once at the top, you’ll find the Biomutant upgrade bench. In the case of Mambleklump, the Weapon Upgrade Bench is on the left, and the Gearwear Upgrade Bench is on the right. The difference is that the gearwear one has a sewing machine on it, and a mannequin next to it.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.