Al-Sharim Junkyard Dead Drop Location DMZ Warzone 2

Not sure where to find the Al-Sharim Junkyard dead drop for the “Based” Black Mous mission in MW2 DMZ? We’ve got you covered! The Based mission for the Black Mous faction in DMZ requires players to deliver 15 Screwdrivers and 20 Light Bulbs to a specific dumpster dead drop location “at the junkyard in village south-east of the Al-Sharim Pass”. In this guide, we pinpoint the exact location of the DMZ Junkyard Dead Drop.

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Al-Sharim Junkyard Dead Drop Location DMZ Warzone 2

Where is Al-Sharim Junkyard Dead Drop location in DMZ Warzone 2

In the “Based” Black Mous mission in Modern Warfare 2’s DMZ mode, we need to collect a somewhat strange set of items for a Call of Duty game – 15 Screwdrivers and 20 Light Bulbs. Finding them will not be a particularly hard task to do. You can usually find them around and inside houses in small villages on the Al Mazrah map. You can check out our separate Drill Locations guide for that. However, the real issue for many players is finding the DMZ Junkyard Dead Drop location. And that’s probably why you are here as well. Read on as we explain where you need to bring these items.

As the description says, the junkyard is in the village southeast of the Al-Sharim Pass. This particular village has no name and consists of a few houses between the Al-Sharim Pass and the ocean. Check out the map below for the exact location. As you head towards the village from the Al-Sharim Pass, the junkyard is just down the cliff. You will recognize it by several burned vehicles in the yard. Again, check out our images below so that you know exactly where to find it and how it looks.

Once there, you will immediately spot the Junkyard Dumpster Dead Drop, leaning against the wall of the junkyard building. Approach the dumpster and drop your Screwdrivers and Light Bulbs there. With that said, our “Al-Sharim Junkyard Dead Drop Location DMZ Warzone 2” guide is completed.

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Nikola was a senior editor and writer at Gosunoob.With over 12 (since 2012) years of experience in esports & gaming journalism, I like to think that my guides once helped a NASA scientist to beat a game. What I'm trying to say is that I should be credited for NASA's Mars missions. (I'm just kidding, please don't shoot me). In my free time, I dream of the day when I will finally start clearing my Steam backlog.