DMZ Diamond Drill Location

In our DMZ Diamond Drill Location guide, we are going to show you where to find and how to get the Diamond Tipped Drill, which is necessary to complete certain quests. Namely, you need it to open one of the safes in the Koschei Complex. Getting the Diamond Drill is a large puzzle, unfortunately, and it requires some doing. Ideally, you want to do all this as a squad. Here’s what you need to do.

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dmz diamond drill location
DMZ Diamond Drill Location

Where to Find Diamond Drill in DMZ

To find the Diamond Drill location in DMZ, aka the Diamond-Tipped Drill, you are going to have to do some preparations. First off, you will need some jumper cables and a car battery. You can conceivably find those in the Koschei Complex, which is where the drill is, but it’s better to come in prepared. Next, you need to go into the depths of the Complex, specifically the Chemical Plant, and pick up the R4D Detector from one of the tables. Keep in mind that it’s absolutely pitch-black down there, so you should bring some night-vision goggles down there. Once you have everything you need, head over to the Alpha Cluster. This is where our puzzle actually is.

The next step to find the location of the DMZ Diamond Drill is to go to the Alpha Cluster and place the cables and battery at C1 and C2. At the western edge of the room, up the stairs, you’ll find a large yellow door with a keypad next to it. Use the R4B Detector just above the keypad, and you’ll see three Cyrillic letters. Commit them to memory, and then go and find the chalkboards around the room. Use the Detector on each of them. You’ll see a bunch of formulas on them. More importantly, each chalkboard will have one of the Cyrillic letters with an arrow going from it to a number. Those are, of course, the numbers you need to punch into the keypad, in the order of the letters. If you’ve done everything correctly, the large door will open. There’s a lot of cool loot inside, including the Diamond-Tipped Drill.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.