Loot Black Mous Intel DMZ, Bag em and Tag em

Not sure how to loot Black Mous intel in MW2’s DMZ mode? The new Tarkov-like Warzone 2 DMZ mode has players completing various missions for the three opposing factions – the Legion, White Lotus, and Black Mous. In this guide, we explain how to unlock the Black Mous missions in DMZ, and how to loot Black Mous Intel in the “Bag ’em and Tag ’em” White Lotus mission in DMZ.

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Loot Black Mous Intel DMZ, Bag em and Tag em
How to unlock the Black Mous missions in DMZ?

How to Loot Black Mous Intel in Bag em and Tag em White Lotus mission in DMZ

In order to unlock Black Mous missions and tasks in DMZ, you will first need to complete all Tier 2 missions for the Legion and White Lotus Factions. Only then you will be able to start doing Black Mous Tier 1 missions. Now that we know that, let’s see how to complete the “Bag ’em and Tag ’em” White Lotus Tier 2 mission. This mission has two components. The first one is to collect 4 enemy Dog Tags. You can check out our separate guide on how to do that.

For the Loot Black Mous Intel part of the “Bag ’em and Tag ’em” mission, here’s what you need to do. You’ll simply need to go to the Rohan Oil point of interest. The Rohan Oil refinery is in the far northwest part of the map. It is really hard to miss it, as it looks really distinctive. Check our image so that you know how it looks. And see the map below, so that you know where you need to go. Once there, you will want to look for the document-like items. They are called “Black Mous Intel”. These items don’t always appear in the same place. However, we mostly found them around metal shipping container shacks and offices. Look around there and you should be able to find them.

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Nikola was a senior editor and writer at Gosunoob.With over 12 (since 2012) years of experience in esports & gaming journalism, I like to think that my guides once helped a NASA scientist to beat a game. What I'm trying to say is that I should be credited for NASA's Mars missions. (I'm just kidding, please don't shoot me). In my free time, I dream of the day when I will finally start clearing my Steam backlog.