The Last Harvest SM11 Side Mission | Deus Ex Mankind Divided

The Last Harvest is one of the final side missions in Deus Ex Human Revolution. It takes places late in the game and offers the conclusion to the story from SM10: The Harvester.
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It will give you the chance to hunt down the serial killer targeting augs in Prague. If you play your cards right, you can get The Last Harvest achievement once you’re done. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to complete SM11: The Last Harvest in Deus Ex Mankind Divided.

How to start: If you’ve finished SM10: The Harvester, this mission will start automatically after you return to Prague for the third time (when it’s under curfew). Daria will call you via info link and ask for your help.

Check up on Daria Myska

Description: I got a distress call from my neighbor Daria. She’s the only witness to that Aug murder I investigated earlier.

Simply find your way to Adam’s apartment building. Darya lives in number 31. You’ll meet detective Montag in front of it. After you’re done talking, hack the door and go inside.

Find clues about Daria

Description: Detective Montag was lingering outside Daria’s ransacked apartment. At this point I trust him about as much as he trusts me. If I want answers, I need to find them myself.

After you enter the apartment, you’ll have to gather clues. Here’s a list of what you can inspect:
  1. Cat collar
  2. Email
  3. Telescope
  4. Daria Myska’s diary
  5. Bear rug
  6. Blood
  7. Textbook
  8. Broken frame
  9. Hypodermic needles
  10. Accessory
  11. Numbers in blood

Seek out Dr. Cipra

Description: An email on Daria’s computer raises questions about some medical procedure she underwent. Whatever happened to her, Dr. Cipra seems eager to cover it up. If I want to learn everything there is to know about Daria Myska, I should seek this guy out before doing anything else. Cipra’s holed up in a local pharmacy in the Davny district.

Travel to Cipra’s pharmacy near the defunct LIMB clinic, close to the Pilgrim metro station. Talk to him about Daria. The options we chose were appeal, inquire, appeal, frighten, other way. If you’ve got the social enhancer aug, you’ll be able to pressure him into giving you the crucial info.

If not, you’ll have to steal the info. When you’re done talking, take the stairs up to Cipra’s apartment. Hack the level 5 door lock in order to enter. Once you’re in, move the fridge and you’ll find his stash. Take the ebook from it.

Ask about the override

Description: I found an old case study that Dr. Cipra was trying to keep hidden. The study refers to a patient named D who was being treated for social anxiety through neural experimentation. It also mentions an override phrase that can reset whatever it is Cipra implanted into her… If there’s a way to get through all this without anyone else getting hurt, I need to know about it.

If you skip this part, you’ll miss the achievement. Go back to the shop and ask Cipra about the override. He’ll give you the keyword you need to use in the end to unlock the trophy. It’s Ad Hominem 2026.

Follow the trail

Description: I found something that belongs to Daria along with what looks like a trail of blood. If I want to find Daria, I need to figure out where this leads.

Go back to Daria’s apartment and follow the blood trail through the vent in the storage room. It will lead you to the manhole in the alley behind the building. Once you’re down, keep following the blood to your left and into the pipe. You’ll meet Daria soon after. You’ll need the social enhancer here if you want The Last Harvest trophy. Here are the options you should choose:
  1. Confront
  2. Use keyword
  3. Ad Hominem 2026
  4. Persuade
  5. Humanize
  6. Humanize
  7. Approach

Neutralize the Harvester

If, for some reason, you don’t want a peaceful resolution, you can just skip using the social enhancer and fight Daria. The fight might seem scary at first – the cameras, turrets, laser-rigged EMP mines… as well as a Titan aug on your opponent. In truth, it’s quite simple. All you need to do is get out of sight for a while, and wait for her to appear near you. A well-timed takedown will end the fight. Make sure you pick up Daria’s neural chip after the battle – you can sell it to Dr. Cipra for 400 credits. When you try to leave, Montag will appear and try to stop you. Choosing “reason” and “inform” will let you off the hook.


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  1. R

    I returned to the pharmacy and Dr Cipra i missing! He is not there! Where can he be ? Thats weird.I cant complete this mission because im playing without killing anyone.Pls help me.

  2. E

    Since I don’t have the option to inform Montag after the fight with Daria, I guess I’m just fucked.

  3. R

    Daria is fucking hot

    1. L
      Lil K

      Hot and crazy, just the way I like’em.

  4. M

    Hey guys I said that Johnny was innocent and accused the other guy and I came back after going to Garm then it loaded while I was doing the samizdat sos call it worked for me

  5. H

    I think it’s better conversation if you persuade humanize then defrintiate

  6. R

    Where is Daria’s Neural Chip? I can’t get it.

  7. S

    For some reason this mission isn’t starting for me. Im on my 3rd visit to Prague, I finished The Harvester mission. Even went to Darias apartment but that did nothing. Anybody have some advice?

    1. K

      Did you read precisely how to end mission 10? You have to talk to radko, husband and look at police files. Then you have to say to detective that they’re both innocent. Only then mission 11 will trigger

      1. D

        Got the same problem. Talked to: Scandalmonger, Daria, Montag, checked every piece of evidence, talked to Johnny, Radko, picked up the case files from police station, again talked to Daria and Montag, cleared both suspects, got the Harvester achievement, and when I came back to Prague for 3rd time, this quest is marked as failed and SM11 doesn’t launch.

        1. A

          Starts part way through the Martial Law Lockdown of Prague after the GARM facility break in

    2. O

      You might want to head over to the main mission objective and meet Miller. Once you’re close to TF29 the mission should trigger. I was thinking the same thing for a while until then.

      1. J

        The mission triggered for me once getting on to the elevator at TF29. Alternatively you can also talk her down, use the speech augment, and not have to speak with the investigator. She will divulge everything to him herself. You can then knockout her out and take the chip. Selling it to Dr. Cipra, for 400 credits or keeping it. I am unsure what the outcome is later on, if you keep it. Perhaps you can give it to someone else. If anyone else knows what would happen after keeping it, let me know.