Diablo 4 Donan's Favor, Mount Locations

Finding out where to find Diablo 4 mount and stable masters locations is important because, well, having a horse makes things way easier. Trouble is, even if you run into a stable at some point in Act 1, you’ll find yourself unable to get your first mount. In order to unlock a mount you’ll have to progress the campaign and complete Donan’s Favor guest. In this guide, we are going to show you where to find stable masters and how to unlock a mount in Diablo IV.

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diablo 4 mount locations stable masters
Diablo 4 Mount Locations, Donan’s Favor Quest

Diablo 4 Donan’s Favor Quest, Mount Locations Map

When it comes to Stable Masters and mount locations in Diablo 4, we have found only one so far. This guide is a work in progress; we’ll be sure to add more locations when we find them. Anyways, this Stable Master’s name is Miletka, and you can find her in the Sarkova Pass area of Fractured Peaks. Check out the screenshots below to see where she is. Now, with that said, it seems that you have to complete a quest in order to unlock access to mounts. Progress through the campaign until you get the mission called “Mount: Donan’s Favor.” Finishing it will grant you access to Diablo 4 horses. If you’ve found any other stables in your playthrough, let us know in the comments.

So, that’s the general information on where you can find mount locations in Diablo 4 and how to get the Donan’s Favor quest. Speaking of, the mission unlocks at the Kyovashad stable master, Oskar, all the way in Chapter IV. So, it will be quite a while before you can ride a horse. It seems like you can get Donan’s Favor once you talk to him in Kyovashad. First, he will offer you another quest and direct you to leave, but if you talk to him again, you will get the mount quest. So, don’t forget to talk to him twice!

Now you know how to get a mount in Diablo 4. As for the other stable locations, they will probably be in every major stronghold, so finding them shouldn’t be that big of a problem. For example, as one of our commenters has pointed out, there’s a stable in Yelesna called Varya.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. S
    Sonny Neu

    I did see someone riding a mount in beta, which I thought was odd because I have read you can’t unlock it in beta.

    1. S

      it was an NPC. No players had mounts in beta.

      1. N

        i had a mount in beta and i did nothing special to get it, struggling to get one now though 😀

  2. Y
    Ya Mama

    Stable Master at Kyovashad is named Oskar.

    1. Y
      Ya Mama

      Another Stable Master named Varya in Yelesna.