Wrothgar Striking Locales ESO

Wrothgar ESO Striking Locales are places that you can visit and count towards your overall exploration of an area. In fact, you can even earn trophies for getting them all. Like all zones, Wrothgar has a handful of these locations. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find all Wrothgar Striking Locales.

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wrothgar striking locales eso
Wrothgar Striking Locales ESO

ESO Wrothgar Striking Locales

Wrothgar Striking Locales in ESO are basically special locations that are sometimes connected to quests, but not always. However, if you find all of them in a given region, you get an achievement, which is pretty neat. So, without further ado, here’s a list of Striking Locales in Wrothgar, with quick descriptions of their locations.

  1. Aqueduct Rock – Near the center of the map, west of the Trader’s Road wayshrine.
  2. Forlorn Watchtower – A set of two towers in between the Shatul wayshrine and the Icy Shore wayshrine. Has an exit from Bonerock Cavern.
  3. Grudge-Rock Falls – In the west of Wrothgar, southeast of the Siege Road wayshrine. It’s near the two small ponds on the map.
  4. Jehanna Docks – One of the northernmost parts of Wrothgar, directly north of the Two Rivers Wayshrine. On the map, it’s the brownish area west of Icereach dungeon from the Harrowstorm DLC.
  5. Shipwreck Cove – On the northern coast of the southwest part of Wrothgar, northwest of the Great Bay wayshrine.
  6. Torug’s Arch – Near the center of the map, at the crossroads between Bonerock Cavern and Argent Mine.
where to find eso wrothgar striking locales
Wrothgar Striking Locales (click or tap to enlarge)

So, those are the six Wrothgar ESO Striking Locales. Feel free to visit them all and get that achievement, or whatever else you need from them. If you need help with something else, feel free to check out some of our other guides, like How to Get Event Tickets – Wrothgar, Craglorn & Imperial World Event and How to Get to & Leave Imperial City, Craglorn and Wrothgar.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.