Access the Manager’s Office Far Cry 6 - The Truest Yaran Treasure Hunt

The Truest Yaran is a particularly difficult Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6 as it requires you to somehow find a way to access the Manager’s Office in a power station. The reason why it is so hard is that you will have to do a lot of things in a precise order, some of which are not explained all that clearly. However, like all the other Treasure Hunts, completing this one will yield an awesome reward – in the form of The True Royalist unique shotgun. If you are struggling with finishing this mission, our Access the Manager’s Office Far Cry 6 – The Truest Yaran Treasure Hunt guide will explain exactly what and how you need to do here.

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Access the Manager’s Office Far Cry 6 - The Truest Yaran Treasure Hunt

How to Complete the Truest Yaran Treasure Hunt and Access the Manager’s Office FC6

When you read the Treasure Hunt note, you will begin the Truest Yaran TH. Turn around and go down where the waterworks are. Enter the tunnel here. At the end of the hall, climb up the ladder. Read the note and go to the door on the right. Climb up another ladder. Go up the stairs and read the note on the table. Go down and jump in the water at the exposed water grating. What you need to do here is to look for a clogged pipe that has dirt in it. We’ve marked the exact pipe in the screenshot down below. Once you have located this pipe, hit it. This will cause the water levels to lower.

Now that the water level in this room has dropped, go to the room below. You will see a stuck water turbine here, as well as another clogged pipe you need to clear. Approach it and strike it. Now, return to the room where you found the note instructing you to do this. You can now operate the power switch. Once you do that, the gate downstairs will open. You can now enter the Manager’s Office and loot the chest there. In it, you will find the The True Royalist unique shotgun.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.