Final Fantasy XV Photo Challenge - Moogle Chocobo Carnival
Photo Challenge is a fun event in the Moogle Chocobo Carnival. It doesn’t appear on the map like the side quests. To start it, you need to find and interact with certain carnival billboards. The event sets you on a path of finding and taking pictures of certain people and objects. Some of the familiar faces, like Aranea, Dino, Vyv, Sania and more, appear as a photo goal. Each successfully taken picture gives you two Choco-Mog Medallions. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to complete Final Fantasy XV Photo Challenge at Moogle Chocobo Carnival.

Western Photo Challenge
There is a billboard just north from the Chocobo Race stand. Once you check it, you’ll be given clues for four photos.

In the first photo, you can spot the carnival employee. The one we need is found nearby, right on the Chocobo Race Track stand. From here, head south toward the pier. Pay attention to the wooden fence, there is a seagull here.
Go back to where you’ve started the event. Go up the stairs. Next to the fountain is the next photo – Musicians. Now, on to the northern part of the city, Port West Station. There is a hotel just south from it. Climb to the second floor and you’ll find the Soldier.
Southern Photo Challenge
You’ll find this post in southern Altissia. Gentiana’s photo is just two bridges away. Head west, and then north to find it.
Follow the same path towards the next bridge. You can take the photo of the mime there. The final Photo Stand is north from the previous one. This one is right across the Square Enix Cafe and the Nest challenge billboard.
Central Altissia Photo Challenge
This billboard is close to the Furgola Fishing spot. It is next to the previous photo challenge objective. To get the first photo, turn back and find a hallway next to the bridge. It leads to the white cat.
Go back from where you’ve accepted the challenge. Go left from the billboard. Following the long street, pay attention to your left. You’ll spot the red building with a flower vase and a silver tabby cat. Across from this challenge objective is a pathway towardss the Square Enix Cafe. If you look up from there, you should spot a tall tower and Aranea on top of it.
Square Enix Cafe Photo Challenge
The photo billboard is in front of the cafe, and next to the shop stand. Dino, for the challenge, is inside the cafe.
Leave the cafe and go left. You should find an alley entrance to your left shortly after. Go down the stairs and hard left once more. Behind the tall box is the Carnival Employee. Go back to the Cafe street. Instead of going right towards the cafe, head left down the alley. Several steps further and to your left, there should be the store window with the final photo challenge – plushies.
Palsino Street Photo Challenge
The billboard for this challenge is in the northern part of the city, next to the large woman statue. You’ll find Kenny Crow there, next to the bridge. He is a part of the photo challenge. Vyv, for the final photo objective, is on the lower level. You can find the stairs nearby. They lead to the coffee shop and Vyv.
Listro Park Photo Challenge
You’ll need to take a gondola to get here. It is the northernmost part of the city. Next to the tall staircase, on the lower floor area, you can find the photo billboard. The bird challenge is a few steps away, on the stone statue, next to the metal fence.
Sania stands on the balcony, behind the large metal statue, in the main town square. From here, go back down the stairs and go to your right. You should spot two red benches. Kenny Crow sits on one of them during the night.

What if you are having trouble getting the photos registered? Try what I did:
1) Snap the photo with R1, no zooming.
2) Immediately zoom in with R2 until you are fully zoomed in.
3) Tap L2 and you should get a message about quest completion.
In the picture of the cat in the flower box over the bridge – the cat is a silver tabby, not black.