For Honor Warden - How to Play
Warden is the vanguard hero in For Honor’s Knights faction. They’re versatile and straight-forward – the game recommends them as one of the easier to handle heroes.
They have a good balance between offensive and defensive abilities, being dressed in plate armor and wielding a longsword. There are a few quirks you should be aware of, but this is a great way to dive into the game. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to play Warden in For Honor, their feats and moveset.

Warden Overview
Here are the Warden’s Hero Modifiers:- Renown: Allows them to earn more Bounty when they’re fighting multiple opponents, killing enemy soldiers or capturing objectives.
- Light Attack Combo: Your second right or left Light Attack will automatically hit if the first one did.
- Shoulder Bash after Light Attacks: Press the Shield Break button after a light attack and you’ll perform a Shoulder Bash.
- Crushing Counterstrike: A top Light Attack can counter your opponent’s top attack.
Name | Combo |
Chain 1 | Light Attack, Light Attack, Heavy Attack |
Chain 2 | Light Attack, Heavy Attack |
Chain 3 | Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack |
Rushing Slash | Press L stick and Heavy Attack |
Crushing Counterstrike | Push R stick upward and press Heavy Attack |
Shoulder Bash | Dodge, Shield Break |
Warden Feats
There are four feat slots, each with 3 feats to choose from. Only the first one is unlocked at the start – the others are unlocked by playing.Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Fiat Lux Throw a flash grenade that blinds enemies for a few seconds | Body Count Passive: Killing soldiers gives you health and stamina | Come at me Gain more Renown from kills |
Thick Blood Passive: Gain immunity from bleed damage | Inspire Allied minions fight harder | Conqueror Passive: Capture and upgrade control points faster |
Pugno Mortis Throw an explosive projectivle doing AoE damage | Second Wind Recover some health | Takedown Throws make enemies fall down |
Stalwart Banner Nearby allies regenerate health | Catapult Call a catapult strike | Morale Booster Improve nearby allies’ attacks for a while |
Warden Tips & Tricks
Here are some of the ways you can use the Warden in combat effectively:- Their strongest single attack is the top heavy.
- Their heavy attacks have good range – you can use them to keep enemies at bay.
- You can chain together light attacks with shoulder bashes to stunlock an unsuspecting enemy.
- Use the shoulder bash to hurt enemies using the environment – shove them into a bonfire, or off a cliff.
- If you bash an enemy into the wall, they will be stunned for longer.
All the level 2 stuff are the ones you unlock from the start
A lot of these directions are wrong
Can anyone explain how to punter basic attacks? I know the warden has a devastating counter to an overhand attack but I mean can you parry attacks on general? Is there a timing element? A specific button press? Anything other than just a simple block? Thanks all.
Hey there Nick.
When an enemy attacks you the arrow will turn red and flash white ones right before it hits you. All you need to do to parry is press heavy attack at that white flash. You will then parry it. Patty also works against attacks that are unlockable!
One small mistake in this guide though:
To do the crushing counterstrike as a warden, you need to parry an overhead attack with a LIGHT attack instead of a heavy. If you do it with a heavy you’ll do a normal parry. You can’t parry any other direction with a light attack though, so watch out for that.
Can you only crushing counterstrike against heavy attacks? or also light ones?
Any overheard.