Fortnite Furthest North, South, East, West Point Locations Weekly Challenge
Visit the furthest north, south, east and west points of the island is one of the week 2 challenges in season 8 of Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete it, you’ll have to figure out which points these are and go to them. If you’re having trouble with that, our Fortnite BR furthest north, south, east, west point locations guide will help you.

Visit the furthest north, south, east and west points of the island
The easternmost point is near the mansion that’s lodged between Lonely Lodge and the race track in the desert. When you reach the mansion, go to the cliffs south of it. Look for a rock formation and a signpost with the letter E on it. Not as hard to find as you’d think.
If it’s the southern point you’re looking for, you’ll find it near Lucky Landing. In fact, it’s on the cliff overlooking the city from the southeast, the one with the lone tower. Once again, there’s a sign, this time with the letter S – just follow the dirt road from the tower and you won’t be able to miss it.
As for the northern point, it’s northeast of Junk Junction. If you look at the map, you’ll see a small grouping of buildings to the northeast of Junk. The northernmost point on the map is directly to the north of there. You’ll find the signpost between two small rock formations and two pine trees.
Lastly, the western point. This place is near Snobby Shores. Look at the layout of the mansions in Snobby on the map, and find the second one from the bottom. Head directly to the west from that house. You’ll find the signpost with the W on it among a couple of rocks, inside a large horseshoe of pines.