Use Whirlpool at Fortilla Location in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge

Fortnite Use Whirlpool at Fortilla is a part of the Week 1 Aquaman challenge in the game, which has been added to the game with the new Season 3 of Chapter 2. To complete the Week 1 Aquaman challenge in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3, you have to figure out where to find the Fortilla whirlpool and then interact with it. Our Use Whirlpool at Fortilla Location in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge guide is going to help you on your way.

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Use Whirlpool at Fortilla Location in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge
Use Whirlpool at Fortilla Location in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge

Where to Find & Use Aquaman Week 1 Fortilla Whirlpool in Fortnite?

To find and use the Whirlpool at Fortilla in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge, you first have to figure out where to find the Fortilla in the first place. That’s the jumble of islets in the southwest of the map, between quadrants B6 and B7. As for the whirlpool itself, it’s not exactly in the area proper. Instead, you have to go to the northeast of the group of islands, near the northeast corner of quadrant B6.

The easiest way to get here is, of course, to play a match where the bus is going to take you just near enough to the whirlpool to jump out and merrily float down to it. If it’s too close, everyone and their mother is gonna jump with you; too far, and it might not be worth the hassle. Either way, once you get to the whirlpool, go straight into it. Being what it is, it’ll first pull you down, and then spit you right back up into the air. That’s going to complete this step of the Aquaman challenge, and you’re free to continue on your way.

This basically works in two ways. One, it acquaints you with how the new map works and looks like, including forcing you to visit one of the new locations. Two, it introduces you to the whirlpools, which seem to me are going to be important in the foreseeable future; at the very least, because they let you traverse the map more easily.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.