Genshin Impact 1.6 Release Date & Time

The launch date and time for the upcoming Genshin Impact 1.6 update are right around the corner. People are wondering when they can start playing the new, summer-based content. After all, the promo materials for Update 1.6 has promised some pretty exciting stuff to come. Who doesn’t want to explore sunny islands and battle pirates and whatnot? So, in our Genshin Impact 1.6 Release Date & Time guide, we’ll show you when you can begin playing the new content.

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genshin impact 1 6 release date & time
Genshin Impact 1.6 Release Date & Time

Release Time & Date Genshin Impact 1.6 Update

The release date of the Genshin Impact Update 1.6 is June 9th (or 8th, depending on your time zone), that much has been officially announced, but the release time hasn’t been confirmed as of writing this article. This isn’t the first time that the developers announce the launch time relatively late, so no surprise there. However, we can make an educated guess as to when the new content will drop. It’s usually around 8PM Pacific Time. The previous update launched around 4am BST on April 28th, meaning that North American gamers could download it on April 27th, at 8PM Pacific. I believe it stands to reason that Update 1.6 will also come out at the same time, or at least in the ballpark. We’ll be sure to add any official information on the matter once it becomes available.

So, that’s what we know about the Genshin Impact 1.6 release date and time. As for what new content you can expect to see in the new update, well, one of the major draws will certainly be the five-star anemo swords man, Kazuha. Aside from that, you will get to experience a whole new zone made up of small islands, between which you’ll be able to travel by boat. There will also be a new world boss fight against Maguu Kenki, summer skins for certain characters, two new weapons, updates to the Serenitea Pot, and much more. And yes, we will be covering as much of it all as we possibly can, so stay tuned.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.