Dreambloom Genshin Impact - How to Plant Dreambloom Seeds
The question of how to get and plant Genshin Impact Dreambloom seeds is a part of the new event, where you need to acquire and plant Dreamblooms. That is just the first step of a longer process, but you do have to know how to make these first steps before you get anywhere. That’s why we’ve put together our Dreambloom Genshin Impact – How to Plant Dreambloom Seeds guide to help you get started.

How to Get Dreamblooms Genshin Impact
To get Dreamblooms in Genshin Impact, you first have to complete the Dreams of Bloom tutorial quest. Then, go and visit Sakuya, the Inazuma florist. Just follow the flower icon in the north of Inazuma City, and you’ll find her no problem. Talk to Sakuya, and then select the “About the flowers” dialogue option. She will then show you which Dreambloom seeds she has for you, and what she asks for in return. All you have to do is complete the transaction by clicking “Confirm exchange” in the bottom right.
Before you do, though, a few things to note. The seeds Sakuya offers will be different every day, and completely randomly selected. However, she will offer different seeds to different players, so you can go into a friend’s world and pick up a different set of seeds if you don’t like what Sakuya is offering you. However, you can only get one bag of seeds a day, no matter how many worlds you visit. So, plan your purchases accordingly.
How to Plant Dreambloom Seeds Genshin Impact
To plant Genshin Impact Dreambloom seeds once you’ve obtained them, head into your Serenitea Pot. You need to set up a Luxuriant Glebe plot to place the seeds into. To do that, go into “Landform” and select the little icon that looks like four pillows. That’s where the Luxuriant Glebe will be. Once you set it down, approach it, and you’ll automatically get a prompt to plant the seeds you got. Things are pretty self-explanatory from that point. However, there is one thing that we do have to mention – the color of the flowers you’ll grow seems to be random. If you, say, want white flowers, there’s no way to guarantee you’ll get them and in which batch.