Genshin Impact Lingering Malady - look for posters and billboards

Lingering Malady in Genshin Impact is a quest that you can complete, and it requires you to look for posters and billboards all across Mondstadt. The problem is that the posters and billboards have been blown all across the rooftops of Mondstadt, so the only challenge of Genshin Impact Lingering Malady is figuring out where to find them. That’s easier said than done, because the posters are really hard to see. So, in our Genshin Impact Lingering Malady guide, we’re going to show you where to find the posters and billboards in Mondstadt

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genshin impact lingering malady
Genshin Impact Lingering Malady

Look for posters and billboards Genshin Impact – Mondstadt Locations in Lingering Malady

The four locations of posters and billboards in the Genshin Impact Lingering Malady quest are scattered all across Mondstadt. The first one we found was in the southeast corner of the town, on the rooftop west of the blacksmith. Then, we went to the northeast corner, where you can find another billboard on the top of the city wall, just north of the cup icon on the map. Take a look at the images below to see exactly where you need to go.

Now, head to the building where the Alchemist bench is in the center of Mondstadt. Climb up to roof of it, and look around to find the third billboard. Last, but not least, make your way to the rooftop east of the Knights of Favonius. Again, take a look at the images below to see the exact locations. It’s not particularly, hard, but the billboards and posters are difficult to spot on the roofs. Plus, some of them just look like random papers. It’s annoying.

So, there you go, that’s where you find the locations of posters and billboards in Mondstadt for the Genshin Impact Lingering Malady quest. If you need help with something else, we’ve got a whole bunch of Genshin Impact guides for you to check out. Among others, we’ve written How to Start Elemental Crucible, Qingyun Peak – Three Birds – Reach The Floating Island, and Guide to Resistance.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.