Genshin Impact One Giant Step for Alchemy

One Giant Step for Alchemy in Genshin Impact is a new limited-time quest that you can get from an NPC in Mondstadt. Since the One Giant Step for Alchemy quest is new, people are wondering what to do with it. It tells you where to go, but players want to know what happens in the quest, while still others want to know how to get it in the first place. Well, we’ll be answering these questions in our Genshin Impact One Giant Step for Alchemy guide.

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genshin impact one giant step for alchemy
Genshin Impact One Giant Step for Alchemy

One Giant Step for Alchemy Genshin Impact Quest Location

One Giant Step for Alchemy Genshin Impact quest location is basically Timaeus, Scholar of Alchemy. You can find him in the main square of Mondstadt, right at the Alchemist bench. Where else would an alchemist be? Anyway, once you have a chat with him, he’ll tell you to meet up at the Thousand Winds Temple, which is way to the east, on the shores of Starfell Valley. You can see exactly where you need to go in the images below. It’s all fairly simple.

Once you get to the Thousand Winds Temple, talk to Timaeus again to start the next step of the Genshin Impact One Giant Step for Alchemy quest. Defeat the Ruin Guard that spawns after you finish the chat, then interact with the Elemental Crucible. That’s the “pipe stove” that Timaeus was just standing next to. This will trigger the event. The goal is to defeat enemies, collect the glowing cubes, and deposit them into the Crucible until the bar on the top fills up.

And, well, there you have it, that’s basically all you need to know about the Genshin Impact One Giant Step for Alchemy quest. If you want help with anything else, we’ve got a bunch of other Genshin Impact guides you might find useful. To name just a few, we’ve written Lingering Malady, Currency – Intertwined Fate, Stardust, Genesis Crystals, Starglitter, and Swan Quiz Answers. Hope you find them useful!

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.