Fireflies Locations Genshin Impact - Luminescent Spine

Luminescent Spine is a consumable material that you can get from Fireflies in Genshin, once you figure out their locations. Fireflies are, as it turns out, fairly plentiful in the southwest regions of the main continent, Teyvat. In our Luminescent Spine – Genshin Impact Fireflies Locations guide, we’ll show you where to find fireflies and how to get Luminescent Spine.

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luminescent spine genshin impact fireflies locations
Luminescent Spine – Genshin Impact Fireflies Locations

Genshin Impact Luminescent Spine Locations – Where to Find Fireflies

To find fireflies locations and get Luminescent Spine in Genshin Impact, there are numerous locations that you can visit, mainly in the southwest of Teyvat. Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be any fireflies in the Golden Apple Archipelago, which is a bummer, as we’ll explain in a moment. We’ve marked the locations of where fireflies spawn most on the map below, and if you need video assistance, check out our video at the bottom. All you have to do is run up to a firefly and hit F to grab them right out of the air, and that’s how you get Luminescent Spine. By the way, when you go to one of these locations, make sure that it’s night. If it isn’t, move the clock. Otherwise, even if some fireflies do spawn, you’ll never see them.

genshin impact fireflies luminescent spine locations
Fireflies Luminescent Spine locations (click or tap to enlarge)

So, that’s where you find Genshin Impact Luminescent Spine and Fireflies locations. Now, why are they even important at this stage? Well, you need them to craft the Floaty Splody consumable Gadgets. You need these in the Midsummer Island Adventure event Act IV. Specifically, you need it for the Harpastum Bombs Loaded… Blow ‘Em Away part of the event, where you use various bombs to blow up swaths of enemies. For more info on that, check out some of our other guides, like Mini Harpastum – Dodoco Tales and How to Use Fragments of Innocence.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.