Sturdy Pine Fence Genshin Impact - Adventurer Camp Furnishing Set Blueprint

Sturdy Pine Fence blueprint is one of the items that you’ll need to purchase to complete the Adventurer Camp furnishing set blueprint. the catch here is that you can’t seem to get the fence blueprint in Genshin Impact from any of the regular vendors. Turns out, you need to visit a special salesman in order to get the fence, not to mention a special currency. We’ll break it all down for you in our Sturdy Pine Fence Genshin Impact – Adventurer Camp Furnishing Set Blueprint guide.

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sturdy pine fence genshin impact adventurer camp furnishing set blueprint
Sturdy Pine Fence Genshin Impact – Adventurer Camp Furnishing Set Blueprint

Where to Buy Sturdy Pine Fence Blueprint in Genshin Impact

To buy the Genshin Impact Sturdy Pine Fence Blueprint for the Adventurer Camp furnishing set, you need to wait until the Teapot Traveling Salesman rolls around. As far as we know, the regular furniture blueprint vendors do not sell it. It’s only the special trader that only appears at specific time intervals. We explain it all in detail in our Teapot Traveling Salesman guide, but here’s a quick rundown. The Teapot Trader appears in your realm every weekend, and offers all kinds of rare stuff. If it doesn’t have what you need, you can visit your friends’ realm to see what they have on offer. The vendor sells different things to different Travelers, so be sure to shop around.

Now, what do you need the fence for, anyway? Well, the Genshin Impact Sturdy Pine Fence is an integral part of the Adventurer Camp furnishing set. This is important because the set gives you a fairly decent boost to your overall Adeptal Energy score. This, in turn, increases your Trust Level with Tubby, which unlocks various rewards, including new furnishings, more Realm currency, etc. So, make sure to build it when you can, especially if you chug one of those Vials of Adeptal Speed beforehand. Keep in mind that the wares the Teapot Traveling Salesman sells cost Realm currency, so don’t forget to save up ahead of time.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.