Take a picture of floral decorations, Flora and Anemo God statue Windblume Research Report - Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Windblume Research Report is the last quest of the festival and takes you to Sayid who asks you to take pictures of various important Windblume spots. It is a fitting conclusion to a weeks long event in Genshin Impact. The city of freedom, Mondstadt, celebrations are noticed by a foreign researcher. He’ll send you to document the most important spots of the festivities. Once completed you’ll get access to all challenges for this last Act. You’ll also get some nifty rewards. If you’re having trouble with this quest keep reading to find out where to take pictures of floral decorations, Flora and Anemo God statue in Genshin Impact Windblume Research Report quest.

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Take a picture of the floral decorations in the fountain square

Sayid is found in the library of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. HE is enamored by the festivites and wants you to document some important locations. The first thing he wants you to take a picture of are floral decorations in the fountain square. Leave the headquarters and run all the way back to the front gate of Mondstadt. There is a quest marker there. Now, turn around and look towards the fountain. This is the perfect spot. Open your main character menu (press ESC if you play on the computer) and there’s a Take Photo option. This will automatically set the camera to the correct angle for the photo. Take the picture and you’ll get the next step.

Take a picture of Flora

Our good friend Flora, the flower girl is just right of where you took the previous picture. Sayid wants you to take a photo of her hard at work during this floral themed festival. Repeat the same steps as before and Take a photo from the main game menu. With the camera angle adjusted correctly you’ll take a photo similar to the one bellow. If you are trying to photograph Flora and you can’t find her or cannot take a picture, complete the other Windblume quests.

Take a picture of Flora genshin impact

Take a picture of the Anemo God statue in front of the Cathedral

The last step is to go back to where this whole quest line began. At the statue of the Anemo Archon, Barbatos. It is, of course all the way up the stairs, past the fountain. In the west end of Mondstadt. Once again make sure you adjust the camera angle automatically by using the main menu Take Photo option. This should produce a picture similar to the following.

Take a picture of the Anemo God statue in front of the Cathedral

This concludes the Windblume event and now you can mop up any previous quests you haven’t finished yet or go do challenges to farm rewards.

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Having games be part of his life since Commodore 64 it was only natural that Serge co-founded GosuNoob.com. With every new game he travels from being the Noob to being Gosu. Whether he does coding or editorial work on the website he is still amazed by the fact that gaming is what he does for living.