Unlock the Treasure Chest - They Who Hear the Sea Code Genshin Impact

The Genshin Impact They Who Hear the Sea quest gives you a treasure chest that you have to unlock by finding the correct code. However, the game doesn’t tell you what that code is, nor where to find it. You don’t even get much of a hint. I must admit, this is a tricky riddle to solve, and I applaud the developers on their cleverness. In our Unlock the Treasure Chest – They Who Hear the Sea Code Genshin Impact guide, we’ll show you where to find the code, where the chest is, and how to unlock it.

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unlock the treasure chest they who hear the sea code genshin impact
Unlock the Treasure Chest – They Who Hear the Sea Code Genshin Impact

How to Unlock Genshin Impact Treasure Chest Code in They Who Hear the Sea Quest

To unlock the treasure chest in the Genshin Impact in the They Who Hear the Sea quest, you first need to find the code. The answer is actually hiding in plain sight, and it’s just obscure enough to make it interesting. See, the Echoing Conch that tells you about the location of the chest (The Clan of Song, Scattered) is the fifth and final one in Chapter I. If you go into the Conch Retrospective and enter Chapter I, you’ll see that the previous four Conches all have a number at the beginning of their names. In case you haven’t collected them all, the code is 5214.

Next up, the location of the chest itself. The Conch tells you that it’s in the middle of Twinning Isle, which at this moment is actually a tiny little bit of land in the middle of the group of islands. You can swim there relatively easily from any of the Twinning Isle locations, or use the Waverider, if you prefer. Check out the map below to see where exactly to go. Once you get there, you’ll have to defeat a hilichurl and dig the chest up.

they who hear the sea genshin impact unlock chest code location
Chest location

So, that’s how to unlock the They Who Hear the Sea treasure chest code in Genshin Impact. If you haven’t yet found the Echoing Conch that reveals the treasure, I’ve got you covered. From the Twinning Isle teleport waypoint, jump and glide to the east. There is a small shelf on the south cliff of the mountains where the conch lies. Check out the map below for the exact location.

treasure chest code genshin impact they who hear the sea
Conch location
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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.