Ghost of Tsushima Investigate the Town Objective - Hidden in Snow Quest

Investigate the town objective in Ghost of Tsushima is a part of the Hidden in the Snow side quest. As the name of the step clearly states, you have to look around the town, trying to figure out what exactly happened in the town of Sago. As it turns out, completing this part is a little more difficult than you might imagine. We’ll show you what you need to do in our Ghost of Tsushima Investigate the Town Objective – Hidden in Snow Quest guide.

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ghost of tsushima investigate the town objective hidden in snow quest
Ghost of Tsushima Investigate the Town Objective – Hidden in Snow Quest

How to Complete Investigate the Town Objective in Ghost of Tsushima Hidden in Snow Quest

To complete the Investigate the Town objective in the Hidden in the Snow quest in Ghost of Tsushima, the first step is to talk to some of the peasants in the town. Ride towards the bridge, but don’t cross it. Instead, head left and walk into the place full of steaming pots across from the big water wheel. Inside, you’ll find two peasants that will tell you to look for Sota. So, exit the building, go left, and head into the first door on the left. Boom, there’s Sota.

However, you’ll now have another “Investigate the Town” objective. So, exit the building in which you found Sato, and head left again. When you hit the corner, turn left, and you’ll spot a peasant standing there. Approach him and have a chat. He’ll take you to the next point of the quest. From there, you can simply use the winds to take you where you need to go. Besides, I don’t want to spoil what happens, because there’s more in this town than meets the eye.

hidden in snow investigate the town step ghost of tsushima

If you’re having trouble with anything else in the game, check out our expanding list of Ghost of Tsushima guides. To name just a couple, we’ve written How to Continue Ishikawa Tale 5, Endings – Good & Bad Ending, and Charm of Inari – Best Charms. We hope you will find them useful.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.